Necrosis, pathophysiology, types of necrosis
Atrophy, pathophysiology, types of atrophy
Dystrophy, pathophysiology, types of dystrophy
Thrombosis, pathophysiology, types of thrombi
Pathophysiology of edema, embolism, metastasis, pathophysiology
Hyperemia, ischemia, hemorrhage, pathophysiology
Tumors, terminology, benign and malignant tumors
Anemia, causation of anemia
Leukopenia and leukocytosis
Leukemias, pathophysiology, types of leukemia
Inflammation, microscopic manifestation of inflammation, mediators of inflammation
Disorders of the primary hemostasis
Disorders of hemocoagulation
Ischemic heart disease, causation, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction
Arterial Hypertension, pathophysiology, pathophysiology
Pulmonary hypertension, Cor Pulmonale
Arrhythmia, pathophysiology, types of arrhythmia
Cardiac failure, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Atherosclerosis, risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Dyspepsia of stomach and gut
Acute gastritis, pathophysiology
Peptic ulcer disease, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, pathophysiology
Colorectal cancer
Crohn´s disease, pathophysiology, pathophysiology
Ulcerative colitis
Pancreatitis, pathophysiology, pathophysiology
Liver insufficiency, consequences of the liver insufficiency
Acute and chronic bronchitis, pathophysiology
Emphysema and bronchiectasis
Asthma, pathophysiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Respiratory failure, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Lung cancer
Glomerulonephritis, pathophysiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Nephrotic/nephritic syndrome, pathophysiology
Acute renal failure, causation, clinical manifestation
Chronic renal failure, causation, clinical manifestation
Diabetes mellitus, types, acute and chronic clinical manifestation
Metabolic syndrome, characterization, clinical manifestation
Alteration of hypothalamic – pituitary system
Alteration of thyroid gland – hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
Addison disease, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Hyperaldosteronism (Conn Syndrome), pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, Pheochromocytoma, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Cushing syndrome, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Alterations of water metabolism, dehydratation, hyperhydration
Alterations of ions balance, sodium, potassium
Acidosis, pathophysiology, types of acidosis, compensation, clinical manifestation
Alkalosis, pathophysiology, types of alkalosis, compensation, clinical manifestation
Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, clinical manifestation
Fracture, bursitis, dislocation
Osteoarthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Acute rheumatic fever
Low back pain
Systemic lupus erythematosus, pathophysiology, clinical complication
Amenorrhoea and dysmenorhea, pathophysiology
Cervical and brest cancers
Prostatic disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Anxiety Disorders, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Depression, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Bipolar affective disorder
Schizofrenia, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Multiple sclerosis, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Epilepsy, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
Parkinson’s disease, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation
The subject Pathological physiology for Pharmacists comprises the general knowledge of pathological morphology and physiology, followed by the fundamentals of pathophysiological and all clinical manifestations of diseases the relation to pharmacy and drug use and effects.