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Communication Skills for Pharmacists

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Aspects of social contact, social perception, interaction and communication.

Types and means of social communication, their application in the pharmacist-patient relationship.

Verbal communication, meaning, content and paralinguistic aspects of speech; communication barriers and techniques.

Nonverbal communication, body, space, time and communication context.

Transaction analysis, crisis communication.

Active listening, empathy and the possibilities of its use in the work of a pharmacist.

Assertiveness and the possibilities of its use in the work of a pharmacist.

Communication with problem clients and patients.

Interpersonal conflicts and their resolution.

The pharmacist and his role in improving the quality of pharmaceutical care, e.g.: increasing adherence.


The subject follows disciple Health Care Psychology with special emphasis on social communication, interpersonal relationship and interactions, social rules, values and roles. The main area of interest is social communication (verbal and non-verbal) especially communication with a patient in a pharmacy and solution of interpersonal conflicts.