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Human Morphology and Physiology

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |



Cytology and general histology definition, status among the biological sciences its importance in teaching and research in pharmaceutical professions cell structures and their functions types of intercellular junction types of tissues and their origins general anatomical nomenclature, topographical relations within the body

Osteology, myology nomenclature the skeletal system, articulations the muscular system

Heart, angiology structure and location of the heart overview of the organisation of the vascular and lymphatic systems organs of formation and obstruction of haematological particles (organs RES)

The respiratory system, its organisation and location nose pharynx, larynx trachea, bronchi lungs

The digestive system, its organisation and location mouth, oesophagus stomach small intestine large intestine pancreas, gallbladder

The urinary system, its organisation and location kidney ureters, urinary bladder urethra

The reproductive systems male reproductive system female reproductivesystem embryonic development

Endocrine gland hypophysis thyroid gland parathyroid glands pancreas adrenal glands pineal gland thymus gland

Nervous system brain spinal cord spinal and cranial nerves sensory and motor pathways the autonomic nervous system the general and special senses


Introduction to fysiology definition its importance in teaching and research in pharmaceutical professions

General physiology, blood, lymph, RES general problems of homeostasis physiological experiments experimental animals functions and characteristics of blood components of blood (plasma, formed elements) coagulation, fibrinolysis blood grouping (ABO, Rh) lymph, RES

The cardiovascular system cardiac cycle blood flow, blood pressure cardiac output (frequency, contractility ...) pacemaker and conduction system electrocardiography control of cardiovascular system lymphatic system, imunity´

The respiratory system pulmonary ventilation (inspiration, exspiration) pulmonary aír volumes and capacities exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, their transport control of respiration

The digestive system physiology of the digestion in the mouth, oesophagus digestion in the stomach (mechanical, chemical), its regulation digestion in the small and large íntestine, absorption faeces, defecation liver and gallbladder, bile pancreas, pancreatic juice

Metabolisms, muscular system carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism

Krebs cycle, enzymes of Krebs cycle coupling of anabolism and catabolism by ATP basal metabolism body heat (production, measuring, loss) minerals, water vitamins contraction of muscle - role of contraction proteins, of calcium, regulator proteins,

ATP, phosphates, lactic acid etc. isometric and isotonic contractions

The reproductive systems, pregnancy male reproduetive system, hormonal regulation female reproductive system, phases of female reproductive cycle, hormonal regulation physiology of reproduction and ageing sexual act pregnancy: embryonic development, hormones of pregnancy, gestation parturition and labor lactation

The urinary system glomerular filtration tubular reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubule the loop of Henle - its purpose tubular reabsorption and secretion in distal convoluted tubule evaluation of kidney function urine, its volume and composition function of urethers, urinary bladder, urethra

The endocrine system comparison of nervous and endocrine systems mechanism of hormonal action circulating and local hormones hypothalamus and pituitary gland (hypophysis), anterior and posterior pituitary gland thyroid gland parathyroid glands adrenal (suprarenal) glands pancreas ovaries and testes pineal gland thymus gland other endocrine tissues eicosanoids, growth factors, stress and the general adaptation syndrome

Physiology of nervous systém general neurophysiology regeneratíon of the nervous tissue the general and the special senses the spinal cord the brain the cranial and spinal nerves physiology of sensory pathways physiology of motoric pathways physiology of the autonomic nervous system


This subject is a summary of basic knowledge of the human body. Describes morphology dealing with the description of the human body in the form of a macroscopic view (anatomy) or microscopic structure (histology).

Medical Physiology is a science that deals with a comprehensive interpretation of the physical and biochemical activity of a healthy organism, both at the level of the whole and of the individual systems, organs, tissues, and cells. This subject is a summary of the basic knowledge of each health worker.