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Angličtina pro farmaceuty

Předmět na Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové |


Syllabus: Angličtina pro farmaceuty  

Zimní semestr  

Course overview and introduction. Preliminary ability assessment.

Present simple, Present continuous- rules, usages and practice.

Present perfect, Present perfect continuous; for/since, just/already/yet.

Present perfect simple and continuous- detailed analysis of common student mistakes and issues and the tenses role in academic English.

Past (narrative) tenses – Past simple, Past continuous, Past perfect- looking closely at how past tenses interact with each other to form coherent narratives.

Past (narrative) tenses – Used to/Would for past repeat actions or states.  Reviewed in conjunction with previously discussed Past tenses.

Introduction to modal verbs -  Initial creation of modal verb reference table covering past/present functions of: Ability, Possibility, Obligation and Prohibition.

Modal verbs – continuing creation of modal reference table covering past/present functions of: Deduction, Necessity, Advice and Expectation.

Detailed review of modal verbs using newly created reference table and all covered functions to describe complex scenarios across a range of academic and non-academic English.

English verb patterns – infinitives, gerunds, bare infinitives in conjunction with both transitive and intransitive verbs in sequence.

Future forms – Future simple, Future continuous, Going to, Present tenses for the future, Future perfect simple and continuous.

English conditionals Zero, 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Focus on form and alternative structures.

English conditionals review and extension – Mixed conditional patterns and forms.

Pre-test revision and checking of areas covered in first semester.  

Letní semestr

English relative clauses – basic introduction to standard forms (defining/non-defining).

Relative clauses – advanced forms (reduced clauses, inverted forms, omission).

Participle clauses -extension beyond reduced relative clauses.

Participle clauses and descriptive passives – exploring their role in academic writing.

Inversion in cases of negative or restrictive adverbial constructions.

Inversion, participle clause and relative clause review.

Emphatic forms – clefting and fronting. Comparison of uses in both formal and informal scenarios.

Dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs.

Common academic collocations and phrasing for written standards.

Introduction to punctuation for standard, formal written English.

Sentence level punctuation – Simple and Compound sentences.

Sentence level punctuation – Complex sentences and conjunctive adverbs.

Punctuation extension – Serial commas, semicolons and apostrophes.

Pre-test revision and checking of areas covered in second semester.      


Cílem kurzu je zajistit pevné základy v odborné angličtině s cílem podpořit studenty v tom, aby se naučili psát i se vyjadřovat v akademické angličtině. Kurz hodnotí a rozšiřuje základní oblasti gramatiky B2 / C1 se zaměřením na standardní jazykové dovednosti vhodné pro formální psanou angličtinu.

Předmět také poskytuje základní znalosti akademických anglických frází, základy správné interpunkce a použití angličtiny v dalších studijních oblastech. Předmět se zabývá rozmanitým vzděláním studentů se snahou o vyrovnání jakýchkoli nedostatků jejich základních jazykových znalostí.