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Professional Language Preparation

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Czech language for foreign students   1st year, winter semester  

Unit 1 Let´s introduce ourselves

Useful phrases. Pronunciation. Formal/informal dialogues.

Unit 1

Personal pronouns. Verb být. Alphabet. Numbers 0-10

Unit 1

Who is it? What do they do for living? I. Conjugation of verbs in present tense: dělat, rozumět, pracovat

Unit 1

Who is it? What do they do for living? II. Using you sg. x pl. Verbs in present tense

Unit 1

Personal information. Verb mít. Revision

Unit 2 Where is it?

Vocabulary of location. Gender: substantives in nominative singular

Unit 2

Excuse me, where is…? Ways of transport in instrumental. Verb jít x jet.  Directions (adverbs)

Unit 2

Directions. Locations. Adverbs

Unit 2

How to write an e-mail. Constructions: líbí se mi and chutná mi.

Unit 2

Numbers 10- 1000.  Revision

Unit 3 Food and drink

Vocabulary for food and drink. Gender. Menu

Unit 3

At the restaurant. Phrases. Accusative sg.

Unit 3

What do you like? Conjugation of číst, pít, chtít, jíst, mít rád

Unit 3

Invitation for a cup of coffee. Negative question. Revision     1st year, summer semester  

Unit 4 My family

Possessive pronouns. Family members

Unit 4

Peter´s family. Verb jmenovat se. Possessive adjectives

Unit 4

Jaký/jaká/jaké. Gender of adjectives. Vocabulary: adjectives

Unit 4

Mám + accusative sg.

Unit 4

Numbers 1000 – 10000. How much is it? Currency. Revision

Unit 5 When/what time is it?

When are we to meet? Time expressions, parts of the day. What time is it?

Unit 5

Marina´s day. What do you like doing rád + verb. Verbs: daily activities

Unit 5

Revision of rád + verb. Mít rád + substantives. Time expressions

Unit 5

Marina´s week I. Modal verbs chtít, muset, moct, umět. Days of the week

Unit 5

Marina´s week II. Prepositions od and do. Revision

Unit 6 What have you been doing today?

Expressing Czech past tense, regular and irregular l-forms

Unit 6

Second position of to be in the sentence. When was it? Practising past tense

Unit 6

Where were you? Locative singular. Expressions of location. Prepositions v/ve, na, u

Unit 6:

Can you guess who was …? Verbs vědět and znát. Countries, nationalities, languages. Revision     2nd year, winter semester  

Unit 7 In the house/flat

Where do you live? I. Verbs prodat, koupit, pronajmout. Looking for a new place to live

Unit 7

Where do you live? II. Verbs with accusative. Vocabulary: rooms, furniture, colours

Unit 7

Furnishing a flat. Nominative in accusative plural. Numbers 1 and 2

Unit 7

Booking accommodation

Unit 7

Dates, seasons, months. Revision

Unit 8 Planning a weekend

Future tense. Prepositions do, na. Time expressions

Unit 8

Eva and professor Higgins. Directions. Verbs jít, jet, letět + prepositions do, na, k

Unit 8

Practising future tense. Na-words

Unit 8

Everyday activities. Planning a day

Unit 8

My weekend. Free-time activities. Revision

Unit 9 Human Body

What do we look like? Irregular forms of substantives in nom. pl. Parts of human body

Unit 9

At the doctor´s. Accusative and dative + pronouns.

Unit 9

Verb bolet in the past. Expressions mít + illness and injury. Phrases at the doctor´s

Unit 9

In the pharmacy. Prepositions pro, za, na. Medicament and medical prescription. Revision       2nd year, summer semester  

Unit 10 The place we live in

Genitive singular. Prepositions

Unit 10

Commuting to work I. Directions, prepositions z/ze – do, z/ze – na, od – k/ke

Unit 10

Commuting to work II.  Jít od/z/do … x být v … Shops

Unit 10

Being invited for a visit I. Modal verbs

Unit 10

Being invited for a visit II. Verb jet + adverbs of location. Revision

Unit 11 On Vacation

On vacation I. Verbs of motion. Activities. Time expressions

Unit 11

On vacation II. Practising verbs of motion. Phrases: travelling

Unit 11

Travelling I. Verbs of motion + prefixes při and od

Unit 11

Travelling II. Types of prefixes. Verbs + prefixes

Unit 11

Travel complications. Revision

Unit 12 Holidays and feasts

Holidays and feasts. Writing and responding to invitations

Unit 12

Housework chores I. Imperfective and perfective verbs

Unit 12

Housework chores II. Practising imperfective and perfective verbs.

Unit 12

What are your plans? Future tense of perfective verbs. Revision    

Čeština pro zahraniční posluchače 1. ročník zimní semestr

Lekce 1. Seznamujeme se

Užitečné fráze. Výslovnost. Formální/neformální dialog

Lekce 1. Seznamujeme se

Osobní zájmena. Sloveso být. Abeceda. Číslovky 0 - 10

Lekce 1. Seznamujeme se

Kdo je to a co dělá? I. Konjugace sloves v prézentu: dělat, rozumět, pracovat

Lekce 1. Seznamujeme se

Kdo je to? Co dělá? II. Oslovení. Tykání x vykání. Procvičení sloves v prézentu

Lekce 1. Seznamujeme se

Kontaktní informace. Sloveso mít. Opakování lekce 1

Lekce 2. Kde je to?

Kde je tady nějaká/nějaký/nějaké? Slovní zásoba místa. Gramatický rod: substantiva nom. v sg.

Lekce 2. Kde je to?

Prosím vás, kde je? Dopravní prostředky v instrumentálu. Slovesa jít a jet.  Adverbia vyjadřující směr

Lekce 2. Kde je to?

Použití adverbií vyjadřujících směr nebo lokaci

Lekce 2. Kde je to?

Píšeme e-mail. Objektové konstrukce: líbí se mi, chutná mi

Lekce 2. Kde je to?

Čísla 10 - 1000.  Opakování lekce 2

Lekce 3. Jídlo a pití

Slovní zásoba jídlo a pití. Gramatický rod. Jídelní lístek

Lekce 3. Jídlo a pití

V restauraci. Fráze spojené s objednáváním v restauraci. Akuzativ sg.

Lekce 3. Jídlo a pití</str


Within the subject Professional language preparation, there is a course of the Czech language for Foreigners designed to the foreign students whose native language is not Czech and who study the programme of Pharmacy in English.

Czech Language course is optional but passing the examination in Czech Language is compulsory.

The course of the Czech language takes 4 semesters. Students can register for the courses of Czech Language only for the whole academic year, it means for both semesters in the 1st and/or both semesters of the 2nd section of study.

The achieved language competence is the first step to be able to communicate, read, write and translate texts in the Czech language before they start learning the basics of Medical and Pharmaceutical Czech. Is it essential that the students successfully complete the course till the end of the 3rd year of study.

Students practise exercises on the basic lexical items, grammar, phrases, new thematical topics, synonyms, oral communication, reading comprehension and translation of short texts from different areas of life.

The course focuses on the use of real communicative situations to systematically develop all the language skills, both passive (reading and listening comprehension) and active (writing and speaking).

At the end of the course students should be able to manage basic communicative situations and to understand written texts in Czech.