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Special Methods of Instrumental Analysis

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Introduction to special methods of instrumental analysis, classification of methods, principles.

Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, absorbing medium, resonance spectral lines, instrumentation, analytical applications. Atomic-fluorescence spectrometry.

Luminescence analysis, fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, emission and excitation spectra, fluorimeters, spectrofluorimeters, qualitative and quantitative applications.

Turbidimetry and nephelometry

High-frequency spectroscopic methods, nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR spectrum, analytical applications, mass spectrometry, mass spectrum, analytical applications.

Electromigration methods, electrophoretic mobility, principles of separation. Capillary isotachophoresis , capillary zone electrophoresis, instrumentation, analytical applications.

Isoelectric focusation, micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Capillary electrochromatography. Instrumentation, applications.

Ion-exchange chromatography. Ion-exchange phenomena, cation and anion exchangers, ion-exchange equilibria, amino acid analyzers, molecular sieves, gel-permeation chromatography.

Pulse voltammetric methods. Difference pulse polarography. Stripping voltammetry.

Automation of analytical procedures, titrators, types of analyzers and their applications.

Flow-injection analysis, sequential injection analysis, automation of analytical procedures, principles, instrumentation, applications.


Theoretical fundamentals and practical training on selected instrumental analytical methods.