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Monitoring of Environment

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |



The fundamental terms for the environment monitoring, monitoring requirements, differentiation on biological, chemical physical part of monitoring (their characteristic, differences and interrelation)

Air pollution: pollution sources, indoor pollution, workplace pollution, measurement methods of air pollution (emissions, immissions,...)

Water pollution: microbiological and biological pollution, chemical pollution - inorganic, organic substances, radioactive pollution, drinking water (analysis, indicators of evaluation)

Food contamination monitoring: extraneous substances - additives and contaminants, methods of measurement

Things in common use and risk of contamination by substances which they contain

Soil pollution monitoring: basic soil monitoring, atmospheric deposition monitoring, monitoring of sludge from clarification of wastewater

Biological exposure test: examples of fate of harmful substances in organism, exposure tests

Physical factors: noise, vibration, electromagnetic field, ionising radiation, microclimatic conditions

Ecotoxicology: the scientific discipline principle, ecotoxicology concept - the principle of ecotoxicology research, retrospective and prospective study, levels of systems study

Experimental determination of ecotoxicity: classification according to the exposure time, ecosystems, endpoints, standard and alternative test

Practical biotests realization: aquatic and terrestrial environment, use of biotests for common ecotoxicity determination (pure chemical substances or mixtures - "new" or priority pollutants, REACH, tests application in notices and regulations), prediction of environmentally important parameters of substances (SAR, QSAR, bioconcentration, bioaccumulation, biodegradability prediction, degradation rate)

Biological early-warning systems

Biomarkers use for evaluation of toxic stress of the environment (importance and trends, exposure biomarkers and effect biomarkers), determination of toxicity risk (diagnose, determination of dependence of dose and answer, exposure assessment, risk characteristic)

Concrete examples of appearance of pharmaceutically important substances in environment (methods of analyses of individual compartments and simulation of prediction in ecosystem)


The subject is meant for persons who are interested in the state of the environment in relation to the human health from the pharmacist point of view. It is concerned the evaluation of quality if indoor and outdoor air environment, then workplace environment, analysis of drinking water from the basic hygiene requirements point of view, and also the evaluation of food and thing of common use quality. The lectures and practical classes, which deal with ecotoxicological screening of environment, are connected with this block. The overview of the most common and legislatively required biotests is coupled with the examples of modelling of the concrete biologically active and pharmaceutically important substances in the environment. Especially their built into the substance cycle and affecting the biogeosphere. This is followed by the chapter, which develop the real risk assessment of toxic substances in the environment.

The lectures are divided to hygienically-epidemiologic part and ecotoxicologic part. The lectures include the topics of air, soil and water quality monitoring, influence of workplace environment on human health. Ecotoxicology demonstrates correlations in ecosystem, define the possible risks results from the pharmacist profession.

The summary of the most frequent and legislatively requested biotest is coupled with the simulation examples of concrete biologically active and pharmaceutically important substances in the environment. Further the chapter about real risk assessment of toxic substances in environment is evolved.