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Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Active immunization, vaccines technology, perspective vaccines, means of passive immunization, antibodies in therapy, monoclonal antibodies, immunoconjugates - specific drug targeting, immunotoxins.

Therapeutic use of cytokines, immunomodulators of microbial origin, thymic hormones and synthetic immunostimulators.

Drugs for immunosupressive therapy: corticosteroids, antimetabolites and calcineurine inhibitors.

Therapy and prevention of allergic diseases and drug hypersensitivity.

Relationships between immune and neurohumoral regulations, influence of stress, nutrition and environment on immunity.

Basic immunotoxicology - principles of testing of immunomodulating and immunotoxicological properties of drugs and xenobiotics.

Clinical aspects of antiallergic, immunosuppressive, immunostimulating and substitutive therapy.


Immunopharmacology (rarely lectured in Europe) extends knowledge of the subject of immunology and responds to the rapid development of immune modulating drugs. These include, in particular, medicines used in transplant medicine, allergy and clinical immunology, and immunomodulation procedures applied in oncology.

In particular, issues of immunity and vaccine prevention, as well as the side immunotoxic and allergenic effects of other drugs and xenobiotics are discussed. Attention is also paid to the relationship between immune and neurohumoral regulation systems, the influence of stress, nutrition and the environment on immunity.

Practical aspects of immunopharmacological therapy are presented. Students have the opportunity to study in detail the specific problem of immunopharmacotherapy and thus gain experience in the field of medical informatics.