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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


- Aims and tasks of drug monitoring, specific features of the field, areas of utilization

- Direct and indirect methods of drug monitoring

- Withdrawal and storage of samples of body fluids before analysis

- Immunochemical methods of drug monitoring (enzymoimmunoanalysis, radioimmunoanalysis)

- Physico-chemical methods (chromatographic, spectral, electroanalytical)

- Techniques and procedures of adjustments of samples of body fluids before analysis (L-L extraction, S-P extraction, deproteinization, other adjustments)

- Chromatographic methods with a stress on HPLC

- Problems of interference of the biological matrix

- Interpretation of results of the found drug levels in body fluids

Practical trainings

- Adjustments of samples of blood, plasma, urine before analysis with the use of physico-chemical methods

- L-L extraction, S-P extraction, optimization of procedures of isolation of selected drugs from samples of body fluids

- Use of TLC for the detection in drug poisonings

- Use of HPLC in drug monitoring, optimization of chromatographic conditions, selection of the detector, selection of the internal standard, interference of the residues from the biological matrix, verification of the correctness and precision of the elaborated methodology

- Drug monitoring utilizing enzymoimmunoanalysis (practical classes in the teaching hospital)

- Drug monitoring utilizing radioimmunoanalysis (practical classes in the teaching hospital)


At present, therapeutic monitoring of drugs is one of the most progressive trends in the field of drug analysis. The reason is the fact that all principal questions concerning the fate of the drug in the organism can be answered only by an analytical study.

In clinical practice there is an increasing demand for university graduates trained in this specialization. Both theoretical and practical education focuses on physical-chemical and immunochemical methods of drug monitoring, problems of the interference of the biological matrix, chromatographic methods with an emphasis on HPLC, techniques and procedures of adjustments of samples of body fluids prior to the analysis itself, the most widely employed methods of drug monitoring in this country, and the trends abroad.

Several parts of instruction take place at selected clinical laboratories (OKB, radiology) at the Faculty Hospital.