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Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |



Physics of radioactivity

Atom structure

Radioactive decay

Rules of radioactive conversions

Basis of radioactivity measurement

Gas-filled radioactivity detectors

Scintillation detectors

Instruments for in vivo counting and imaging

Production of radionuclides

Production in nuclear reactors

Production in cyclotrons

Radionuclide generators

Characteristics of radiopharmaceuticals

Definition of radiopharmaceuticals

Ideal characteristics of radiopharmaceuticals

Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals

Possibility of biologic testing

Physicochemical tests

Evaluation of radionuclide purity

Evaluation of radiochemical purity

Industrial production of radiopharmaceuticals

Primary medical radionuclides

Radiolabeled compounds for clinical use

Application of radionuclide generators

Kits for radiopharmaceutical preparations  

Preparation of radiopharmaceuticals in hospitals

Ready-for-use radiopharmaceuticals

Radiopharmaceuticals prepared from kits

Radiopharmaceuticals prepared directly in relation to administration

Radiopharmaceuticals based on biological samples from patients

Technetium-99m radiopharmaceuticals


Short-living radiopharmaceuticals

Diagnostic applications of radiopharmaceuticals

Diagnostics of CNS disorders

Diagnostics of renal diseases

Diagnostic use of radiopharmaceuticals in cardiology

Lung imaging

Evaluation of liver functions

Diagnostics of bone pathologies

Evaluation of thyroid function

Imaging of cancer

Imaging of infection and inflammation

Therapeutic applications of radiopharmaceuticals

Treatment of myeloproliferative diseases

Treatment of thyroid disorders

Radiotherapy of arthritis

Palliative treatment of metastases

Use of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies and receptor-specific peptides  

Practical exercises

Measurement of radioactivity

Calculation of radioactive conversions

Work with radionuclide generator

Preparation of radiopharmaceuticals

Control of radiochemical and radionuclide purity

Excursion to department of nuclear medicine


The aim of the subject is to apprise students theoretically and practically with preparation, control and clinical applications of radiopharmaceuticals. Attention is also paid to the use of radiolabeled compounds in research and other areas. An excursion to department of nuclear medicine is also involved in the teaching.

Themes: Structure of atom, Decay schemes, Interaction of ionizing radiation with biological systems, Production of radiopharmaceuticals, Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals, Clinical applications of radiopharmaceuticals.