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Functional Foods-Nutraceutics

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Introduction and theme definition

- food supplement definition

- difference between the pharmaceutical and food supplement

- use of food supplements as a precautionary preparations

- validity of chemical substances (summary substance mixtures), which are not connected with chemical pharmaceuticals

- requirements for so-called biological effect

- difference between nomenclature categories

- state of use and research of this preparations in out of Europe areas (especially in USA, Japan) and in EU

- legislative in EU, connecting directives in CR, present state

- hygiene standards of some nutraceutically important substances


- pathophysiology of oxidative stress (RNOS)

- importance of oxidative substrates in organism, their positive and negative effect on live tissue

- basis of development of civilization diseases

- possibilities of intervention to RNOS metabolism on different levels

- systematic of used substances


- definition of general adaptation syndrome

- analysis of pathophysiological effects of stress

- possibilities of intervention on selected levels

- systematic of used preparations

Substances for modulation and stimulation of CNS

- analysis of pathophysiological state

- enumeration of levels on which it is possible to achieve intervention

- systematic of used preparations

Substances used for variation of brain mediators? metabolism (Alzheimer and Parkinson disease)

- pathophysiology of processes

- possibilities of adjuvant use of substances

- systematic of used substances

Substances used in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

- pathophysiology of CFS

- systematic of used compound and natural mixtures


- definition of nonspecific and specific immunity, possibility of its intervention

- pathophysiology of immunity deficiency

- possibilities of use of nutraceuticals, used substances

Substances influencing risk of neoplasms formation

- pathophysiology of cancerogenesis

- influencing by external conditions (exposition of deleterious factors of exogenous environment, food,...)

- possibilities of adjuvant interaction with use of nutraceuticals

Substances used in functional damages of cardiovascular system

- pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases

- analysis of morbid conditions, where it is possible to use nutraceuticals as precautionary or adjuvant preparations or as a part of therapy

Substances for influencing of body weight

- analysis of factors influencing development of overweight and obesity

- possibilities of interactions to the adverse development with nutraceuticals

- summary of used preparations

Substances for body design

- group of substances designed for health subjects for body design (substances for sport nutrition)

- brief analysis of physiology of basic nutrients, catabolism and anabolism in human body

- possibilities of use of nutraceuticals, iont drinks

Substances for improvement of hygiene of intestinal and urogenital system

- brief analysis of digestive processes, metabolism and disharmonies

- possibilities of use of nutraceuticals

Substances used in certain live periods

- analysis of hormonal state in menopause and andropause period (pre and post climacteric states, benign hyperplasia of prostate, loss of libido)

- possibilities of use of nutraceuticals in this area

Substances used in elderly and for biorhythm interaction

- brief analysis of morbid conditions accompanying elderly

- complex evaluation of nutraceutical preparations discussed in previous groups

- possibilities of their use in geriatry both from precautionary point of view and as a part of complex therapy

Compounds of some food and their biological activity

- analysis of content of important secondary metabolites, which occur especially food of plant origin and which can influence physiological processes, alternatively actual pharmacotherapy

Influence of nutraceuticals on physiological and pathophysiological parameters of organism

- interactions with laboratory tests, influencing of simultaneous diseases


The subject provides targeted information about the physiological and pathophysiological processes, which assert during the human nutrition and which can influence the development of health of individual person. With this commentary is connected the systematic part, which mentions the application of food for special nutrition (food supplements, food of new type), their legislative position in EU countries and legislative specifics in Czech Republic.

They are browsed the individual substances and group of substances (natural, biotechnological and synthetic origin), which don?t have the character of pharmaceutical, and which are presently commonly used in the EU territory and especially as a precautionary preparations, which could protect against the development of civilization diseases and their pathogenesis (oxidative stress, general adaptation syndrome, carcinogenesis), or are used in the certain live periods, but also like the material, which is possible to use as a adjuvant with the effective pharmacotherapy, without bringing the negative interactions. As a part of the subject there is the caution on the substances, which commonly occur in food and can affect health or pharmacotherapy, or the results of clinical laboratory tests of the use (patient).