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Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


DNA and chromosomes structure of DNA genic and nongenic DNA chromosome structure in prokaryotes, viruses, and eukaryotes

Inheritance I definition of terms

Mendel’s study of heredity

Mendelian laws applications of Mendel’s principles interaction of paired alleles – dominance, recessivity, codominance, incomplete dominance the chromosomal basis of Mendelism – Morgan polygenic inheritance genotype-environment interaction

Inheritance II population genetics

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium evolutionary factors extranuclear heredity genetic diseases

Mutations gene mutations chromosomal mutations genomic mutations mutations and diseases

Replication of DNA principle of DNA replication replication machine - proteins of replication fork

Expression of genetic information transcription – prokaryotes, eukaryotes posttranscriptional modification of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA translation posttranslational processing

Parasexual processes of bacteria transformation conjugation transduction

Viruses structure of virion structure of bacteriophage viral genome reproduction of viruses - lytic and lysogenic cycle retroviruses


Genetics is a young science that has grown since the beginning of the 20th century in a way that now has a key place in the whole biology. It explains the rules of transfering of hereditary traits from the parental generation to the offspring, deals with the mechanism of their transfer, and explains why offsprings are in many ways different from their parents and why they differ from each other. The aim of the subject is to provide students with a comprehensible introduction to important areas of genetics - general, molecular, evolutionary and population.

Topics: DNA and chromosomes, Mendelian laws, population genetics, evolutionary genetics, genetic diseases, mutations, DNA replication, expression of genetic information, parasexual processes of bacteria, viruses.