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Organic Chemistry I

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Organic Chemistry I

Systematic nomenclature of organic compounds 

Importance of Organic Chemistry in Pharmacy 

Introduction to systematic nomenclature according to IUPAC

Saturated cyclic base components: bicycles, spirocycles, steroids

Unsaturated cyclic base components: monocyclic and orthofused aromates

Heterocyclic base components: Hantzsch-Widman system, orthofused heterocycles

Structure of organic compounds

Types of chemical bonds in organic compounds

Isomerism, constitutional isomers, stereoisomers

Chirality, enantiomers, diastereomers, descriptors R,S; D,L; E,Z

Conformations, conformational analysis

Polarity of bonds and related physical properties

Distribution of electron density in organic molecules

Inductive effect, resonance theory, mesomeric effect

Dipole moment, relative permitivity

Acidity and basicity in relationship to structure, basic terms.

O, S, N and C-acids

Attractive forces among molecules and related physical properties

Overview and importance of intermolecular attractive forces

Relationships between structure/melting points, boiling points and soulubility in water

Physical methods of structure elucidation

Introduction to molecular spectroscopy

UV and IR spectroscopy

NMR spectroscopy

Other methods: X-ray analysis, mass spectrometry


Organic Chemistry I is a preparatory subject, focused on nomenclature and relationships between structure and physical properties of organic compounds, important for their application as chemical drugs. Emphasis is put on chemical drugs as small organic molecules, the properties and architecture of which determines transport in human organism and interaction with receptors. The subject thus enables the students to follow up in specialized pharmaceutical disciplines, primarily Pharmaceutical Chemistry, but also Pharmacognosy, Biochemistry and Pharmacology.

Topics: Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Structure of Organic Compounds, Polarity of Bonds and Related Physical Properties, Intermolecular Attractive Forces and Related Physical Properties, Physical Methods of Structure Elucidation.