Introduction to hospital preparing of medicinal products
Preparation of paediatric dosage forms
Preparation of sterile drugs – principles
Preparation of sterile drugs - injections, infusions
Preparation of sterile drugs – parenteral nutrition, AIO
Preparation of cytotoxic drugs
The elective subject in the 4th section of study of Pharmacy.
The subject is related to the subject Pharmaceutical Technology. It is aimed to students who want to expand their knowledge in the hospital preparing of medicines and who would specialize in working in a hospital pharmacy. The high-quality basic knowledge of hospital compounding, especially training in extemporaneous preparation of the paediatric preparations, the sterile preparations (parenteral preparations), and the production of cytostatic preparations are the main targets.
The 1-day visit of a hospital pharmacy (in Hradec Králové). Capacity is limited for 3 persons.
The subject is concluded by passing the exam based on seminar work in relevant topic.
Preparation of paediatric dosage forms, Preparation of sterile drugs, Preparation of cytotoxic drugs