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Clinical Pharmacy I

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Study program: Pharmacy

Course title: Clinical Pharmacy I.

Code of the course: GAF345

Department: Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy

Garant of the course: Assoc. prof. Daniela Fialová, PharmD., Ph.D.

Teacher of the course: prof. Dr. Jiří Vlček, CSc. (; phone contact: 00420 739 488 202

State of the course: compulsory


Lectures (hours/semester): 70 hours/winter, Seminars/practice (hours/semester): 36 hours/winter

Credit: written exam and discussion on patient case

Examination: oral exam + discussion on clinical case of ill relative - preparing word and PowerPoint presentation  


Subject aims

The subject of Clinical Pharmacy I. (CP I.) is aimed at gaining basic knowledge and skills in clinical pharmacy, necessary for continuing studies in Clinical Pharmacy II (CP II), the core subject within the pregraduate branch of Clinical pharmacy. This subject (CP I.) creates also an important base for clinically oriented pharmaceutical care in pharmacies, lectured and trained in the subject Pharmaceutical Care II (CP II.).

The content of the subject Clinical pharmacy I. (CP I.) is oriented (for selected nosologic units) to ethiopathogenesis and epidemiology of disorders, risk factors (including drug-related risk factors), complications (when disease is untreated or inappropriately treated/managed), to clinical manifestation of disorders (symptomatology and basic diagnostic tests), diagnosis – 5 questions of diagnostics –(1/does a patient suffer with disease; 2/ what is the severity of disease, 3/ risk factors of disease are present?; 4/risk factors of complications of disease are present?; 5/ is there a probability to reach the goal?), aims of therapy (with the emphasis on aims of pharmacotherapy), main treatment strategies (including both pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies of acute and chronic stage of disease), frequently indicated drug schemes and other treatment modalities. Knowledge about class effect of drugs, their main mechanism of action, efficacy, clinical indications and contraindications are also lectured and trained.

Clinical pharmacy I. educates students in main principles of the evaluation of appropriate drug indications, contraindications and in the basic rationality of drug regimen. Knowledge in CP I. are focused mainly on appropriateness of clinical indications and contraindications of frequently used drugs in patients with selected comorbidities and other clinical characteristics and on standard clinical recommendations. CP I. is a prerecvisity for the subject Clinical Pharmacy II (CP II) which further broaden students´ knowledge in principles of individualization of drug schemes for specific patient populations/groups and in individualization of drug regimens in concrete patient cases.  

List of lectured topics

One date = 2hours (lectures combined with seminars)  3.10. A203  

Introduction into the subject. Principles of rational pharmacotherapy. Arterial hypertension.  

Atherosclerotic diseases (generally)  

Dyslipidemia 10.10. A103  11:30 – 13:05        

Peripheral artery disease. Ischemic heart disease.  


Congestive heart failure (chronic, acute)   17.10. A203               

Stroke and transient ischemic disease   

Diabetes mellitus  

Thyreopathy 24.10. A203

Benign prostatic hyperplasia and urine incontinence.  

Pain management (generally)    

Pain (continue.): Rheumatoid arthritis. Gout. Back pain.                              31 .10. A203

Osteoarthritis; Osteoporosis   

Asthma bronchiale and COPD  

Diseases based on thrombophilia, deep venous thrombosis 7.11. A203

Rational use of anti-infective agents (viral, fungal and bacterial infections – general overview  

Infections of upper and lower respiratory tract     

Urinary infections, 14.11. A203

Antivirotics, antimycotics.  

Dyspepsia, vomiting, motion sickness, peptic ulcer disease  

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diarrhea, obstipation  

Inflammatory bowel disease 21.11. A203


Depressive disorder, insomnia  

Anxiety and panic disorder 28.11. A203

Parkinson disease  


Indication-contraindication (open voting test) 5.12


Epilepsy 12.12.

Cases 1  

Credit test 1 19.12.

Cases 2.1.

Analysis of credit test 9.1.


Seminars in A203/campus

Content: cases and repetition of knowledge regarding disease (diagnostic method, aim, strategy….) and discussion of your homework from the preliminary week

Time:    5.10 - 7.11. 2023:                                   13:00 – 15:45pm   

 ! seminar 10.10. takes place in the room A103,  11:30 – 13:05                                                                      14.11. 2023 – 10.1.2024                      15:45 - 17:10pm + 17:20 – 18:15 (3hours):                          3.10.   Basic principles of rational pharmacotherapy + arterial hypertension 17.10. Dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis 24.10. Ischemic heart disease, congestive heart disease 30.10. Diabetes mellitus + thyreopathy (exceptionally on Monday 11:30 – 1:05pm) 31.10. Pain management 7.11.   Rational pharmacotherapy of infection disease 14.11. Asthma bronchiale, COPD, Respiratory and urinary infections + 1 case 21.11. GIT disease (peptic ulcer, GERD, diarrhea, constipation + 1 case 28.11. Algorithms of pharmaceutical care (3hours) + 2 cases 5.12.   Deep venous thrombosis, disease based on thrombophilia + 2 cases 12.12  Anemia, depressive disease + 2 cases  

Credit - conditions

-          80% of seminars. If not, it will be necessary to prepare one case from particular topic = 3hour

-          Successful credit test a/ credit test content aims, risk factors of disease, risk factors of complication, basic diagnostic method + strategy of disease treatment dis


The subject of Clinical Pharmay I. (CP I.) is targeted at gaining basic knowledge and skills in clinical pharmacy, necessary for continuing studies in the subjects Clinical Pharmacy II (CP II) and Pharmaceutical Care II (CPII). The subject Clinical Pharmacy I. and II. are core subjects within the branch of pregraduate specialty in Clinical pharmacy. Subject CP I. creates also an important base for clinically-oriented pharmaceutical care in pharmacies, lectured and trained in the subject Pharmaceutical Care II (CP II.).

The content of the subject Clinical pharmacy I. (CP I.) in oriented on selected nosological units and particularly: ethiopatogenesis and epidemiology of disorders, risk factors (including drug-related risk factors), complications (when disease is untreated or inappropriately treated/managed), to clinical manifestation of disorders (symptomatology and basic diagnostic tests), aims of therapy (with the emphasis on aims of pharmacotherapy), main treatment strategies (including both pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies), frequently indicated drug schemes and other treatment modalities. Knowledge on class effects of drugs, their main mechanisms of action, efficacy, clinical indications and contraindications are lectured and trained here also.

Clinical pharmacy I. enhaces knowledge and skills of students in main principles of the evaluation of appropriate drug indications, contraindications and the basic rationality of indicated drug regimens. Knowledge in CP I. focuses mainly on appropriateness of clinical indications and contraindications of frequently used drugs in patients with selected comorbidities and other clinical characteristics and on standard clinical recommendations. CP I. is a prerecvisity for the subject Clinical Pharmacy II (CP II) which further broaden students´ knowledge in principles of individualization of drug schemes in specific patient populations/risky patient groups and in individualization of drug regimens in concrete patient clinical cases. The emphasis in both subjects (CPI and CP II) is on improvement of utilization of clinical knowledge and skills in clinical practice.

Teacher of interactive lectures and seminars:

Prof. Dr. J. Vlček, CSc. (, Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, new campus,e-mail:; phone: 00420 739 488 202

Lectures and seminars are held according to actual schedule of the subject Clinical Pharmacy I.-ENGL sent by teacher to students by email. Study materials are sent to students by teacher as well. Updates of instructions, materials or changes in the teaching hours are sent to students before lectures and seminars.