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Professional Experience in Pharmacy I

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |



The subject is introductory part to fulfilment of requirements of Council Directives 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EU. It partially substitutes former subject Six-month Traineeship in the Pharmacy. One‑month practice is performed in community or hospital pharmacies in the Czech Republic and abroad. Students are deeply acknowledged with a pharmacy process and under supervision they carry out all the activities at the level of a graduated pharmacist. This practice purposefully and comprehensively completes and consolidates the issues taught at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University.

Content of the practice

During the practice, the students get acquainted with a pharmacy and its workload, pharmacy staff, pharmacy operating rules, safety regulations and hygiene regimen in a pharmacy, relevant legislation, mandatory confidentiality of healthcare professionals working in a pharmacy, professional activities performed in a pharmacy.

The priority is the areas mentioned below, i. e., the consolidation of theoretical knowledge obtained at the faculty and its confrontation with realworld clinical practice. Furthermore, training the basic principles and obtaining new practical skills are acknowledged. Professional Experience in Pharmacy I is followed by Professional Experience in Pharmacy II.

·         Current pharmacy as a branch. Reflection of pharmacy practice.

·         Philosophy and strategy of pharmaceutical care, its implementation.

·         Pharmacy as a healthcare facility, types of pharmacies and network of pharmacies.

·         Activities in a pharmacy and good pharmacy practice.

·         Legislation related to a pharmacy workload.

·         Pharmacy staff – professionals and other workers.

·         Pharmacy operation processes, safety, and hygiene in a pharmacy.

·         Working environment in a pharmacy. Technical and material requirements for equipment in a pharmacy.

·         Pharmacopoeia and other professional literature used in a pharmacy – European Pharmacopoeia, Czech Pharmacopoeia.

·         Medical prescriptions and working with them. Pharmaceutical calculations.

·         Problems of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances – classification, storage, application.

·         Dispensing activity. Dispensation. Application of dosage forms. Providing of pharmaceutical care.

·         Self-medication and health promotion.

·         Preparation of medicinal products in a pharmacy.

·         Supply activity, storage of medicines, medical devices, and other products.

·         Control activity in a pharmacy.

·         Unwanted pharmaceuticals.

·         Professional administration – recording and documentation of processes in a pharmacy.

·         Economics of a pharmacy. Pricing and reimbursement of medicinal products.

·         Information and consulting activities in a pharmacy. Information resources in a pharmacy. Cooperation with patients, physicians, and other healthcare professionals.

·         Veterinary drugs in a pharmacy.

·         Advertisement in a pharmacy.

·         Medical devices and the process of their supplying.

·         Hospital pharmacy and its specifics.


The course composed of six months of Professional Experience in Pharmacy is a mandatory part of the study. The internship takes place in community and hospital pharmacies in the Czech Republic or abroad and is carried out in full compliance with the requirements of Directive 2005/36/ES on the recognition of professional qualifications and its amendment 20013/55/EC.

Students get acquainted in more detail with the pharmacy and perform selected activities under the supervision of the senior pharmacist. This internship purposefully and comprehensively completes and consolidates the study issues of Charles University, the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové.