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Toxicity of Natural Substances

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


General characteristics of toxic substancesToxins, their occurrence in vegetative (plant), fungi and animal (higher animal) material, toxin entry pathways and their manifestations in the body, absorption, distribution, biotransformation, excretion (by example) food.Toxicity of secondary metabolites of plants IMonoterpenes (sesquiterpene, sesquiterpene lactone, diterpene, triterpene: occurrence, biological effects and toxicity development).Toxicity of secondary metabolites of plants IITriterpenic and steroid saponins, steroids, cardenolids and bufadienolides.Toxicity of secondary metabolites of plants IIIGlycosylated metabolites - cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates; acetogenins - aliphatic (unusual aliphatic acids including fatty acids, polyols, aliphatic nitroso compounds), cyclic (polyketides, floroglucin derivatives, compound acetogenins, eg cannabinoids).Toxicity of secondary metabolites of plants IVQuinolizidine, pyridine, piperidine, tropane, isoquinoline alkaloids.Toxicity of secondary metabolites of plantsIndole alkaloids, quinoline, diterpene, steroid, alkaloids of other structures, toxic proteins (haemagglutinins).Toxicity of secondary metabolites of plants VIPhenol compounds (cinnamates, simple phenols, phenylpropanes, quinones, tannins, anthranoids, other phenolic compounds), aromatic nitro compounds (aristolochic acids).Toxins of cyanobacteria and algaePurine Derivatives, Macrolides, Cyclic Compounds, Other Toxic Substances).Fungal Toxins ISecondary metabolites of micromycetes (microscopic fungi).Fungal Toxins IISecondary metabolites of (hat fungus).Toxins of marine animalsToxic substances contained in flagelles, aubergines and molluscs.Terrestrial animal toxins IGhosts (spiders, scorpions, mites, insects).Terrestrial animal toxins IIReptiles of the European and non-European regions.Unexpected manifestations of toxic substancesOccurrence of toxic substances in some non-European vegetative drugs, interaction of toxic substances with food components or with each other, sensitivity of domestic animals to certain toxins.


The course is designed for students of the Master's program of Pharmacy. It identifies both the real and potential toxicity of natural substances occurring in plants, fungi, cyanobacteria, algae and terrestrial and marine animals, especially for humans, but also for some species of domestic animals.

In these biological systems it defines toxic compounds, their biological (toxic) effect, the possibility of entering the organism and the image of intoxication. It deals with possible toxic effects both for medicinal plants and for plants that are generally considered to be toxic, as well as for plants found to be toxic compounds based on recent studies.

From this point of view, it also describes the toxicity of mushrooms, algae and animals. It also discusses possible undesirable interactions with other substances in the case of ingestion of medicinal plants, fungi, food algae and animals.

Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the subject is to provide knowledge about toxic substances originating not only from vegetative material, but also from terrestrial and marine animals, because these organisms are coming closer to the Central European population.