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Pharmacology FSE

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Pharmacology of central nervous system (part II)

Overview of neurotransmitters

Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs

Antipsychotic drugs

Antidepressant drugs

Antiepileptic drugs.

Overview of centrally acting muscle relaxants

Opioid analgesics

CNS stimulants. Psychotomimetic agents (hallucinogens)

Ethanol – pharmacology, toxicology

  Pharmacology of inflammation and immune response

Histamine. Histamine H1 receptor antagonists

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis; pharmacotherapy of gout arthritis

Immunomodulators: Immunosuppressant drugs. Overview of immunostimulants

  Pharmacology of the endocrine system

Thyroid hormones. Treatment of hypo- and hyperthyroidism

Diabetes mellitus. Treatment with insulin, oral hypoglycaemic agents and other antidiabetic drugs.

Hormones of adrenal cortex: Glucocorticoids

Bone metabolism: Pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis

 Pharmacology of the blood and haematopoietic system

Drugs affecting haemostasis and fibrinolysis

Drugs affecting the haematopoietic system: Treatment of anaemia by iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 and erythropoietin. Overview of other haematopoietic growth factors

Pharmacology of the respiratory system

Pharmacotherapy of bronchial asthma

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Drugs used for cough

Pharmacology of the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of peptic ulcer disease

Drugs affecting vomiting

Therapy of constipation and acute diarrhoea: laxatives and antidiarrheal agents

Pharmacology of the reproductive system

Female sex hormones, therapeutic use: Hormonal contraception. Hormone replacement therapy

Male sex hormones. Anabolic steroids. Overview of treatment of erectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Drugs acting on the uterus

Chemotherapy of infections

Antibacterial drugs

Sulfonamides. Trimethoprim

β-lactam antibiotics - penicillins

β-lactam antibiotics – cephalosporins and other β-lactam antibiotics. Bacitracin. Vancomycin.

Tetracyclines. Aminoglycosides

Macrolides. Lincosamides. Chloramphenicol.


Metronidazole. Nitrofurantoin. Locally used antibiotics.

Antimycobacterial agents

Antituberculosis drugs. Short overview of antileprosy drugs

Antiviral agents

Antifungal drugs

Therapy of protozoal infections: malaria, trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, amoebosis. Short overview of other protozoal infections and their treatment modalities.

Anthelminthic drugs 

Cancer chemotherapy

Overview of anticancer drugs including targeted therapy – modes of action, side effects


Pharmacology is a scientific discipline studying the interactions of drugs with the organism both in the sense of pharmacokinetics (the fate of the drug in the organism) and pharmacodynamics (effect of drugs on the organism). These interactions are studied at all levels (molecular, cellular, organ, whole organisms).

Pharmacology teaching in the “Pharmacy study program” is divided into two immediately adjacent parts: Pharmacology I (taught in winter semester of the 3rd year) and Pharmacology II (taught in summer semester of the 3rd year). Students will first learn about the general rules of pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) and pharmacodynamics (mechanisms of drug effects, adverse reactions, principles of drug-drug interactions). Subsequently, topics of special pharmacology are discussed according to individual organ systems (e.g. cardiovascular, CNS, endocrine...). In the course of pharmacology, emphasis is also placed on the clinical aspects of drug effects in humans. The knowledge gained subsequently enables the pharmacist, in collaboration with a physician, to contribute to rational, safe and effective pharmacotherapy.

Pharmacology II is taught in the summer semester of the 3rd year immediately following the subject Pharmacology I (winter semester of the 3rd year). The subject of Pharmacology II focuses on the following thematic areas:

Special pharmacology

Pharmacology of the central nervous system (part II)

Pharmacology of inflammation and immune response

Pharmacology of the endocrine system

Pharmacology of the blood and haematopoietic system

Pharmacology of the respiratory system

Pharmacology of the gastrointestinal tract

Pharmacology of the reproductive system

Chemotherapy of infections

Cancer chemotherapy