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Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Pathways of drug metabolism

Introduction, Phase I metabolism (oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, hydration), Phase II metabolism (conjugation with sugars, sulfation, methylation, acetylation, amino acid conjugation, glutathione conjugation, fatty acid conjugation)

Enzymology and molecular mechanisms of drug metabolism reactions

Introduction, oxidases (cytochrome P450 superfamily, Flavin-containing monooxygenases), reductases (Aldo-keto reductase superfamily, SDR superfamily), transferases

Induction and inhibition of drug metabolism

Introduction, induction of drug metabolism in experimental animals and man, molecular mechanisms of induction, molecular mechanisms of inhibition

Factors affecting drug metabolism: Internal factors

Introduction, species differences, genetic differences, age, hormonal control of drug metabolism, the effect of disease

Factors affecting drug metabolism: External factors

Dietary factors, environmental factors

The clinical relevance of drug metabolism

Introduction, Pharmacokinetics, Methods for studying drug metabolism in man, clinical relevance of drug metabolism  


PowerPoint presentation of seminar work of students (one chosen clinically relevant enzyme for each student)


Xenobiochemistry provides the basics necessary for understanding of xenobiotic metabolism, especially drugs and contaminants of environment. It explains the causes of the pharmacological and toxicological consequences of their presence in the living organism.

In the subject Xenobiochemistry, the students gain basic knowledge on the metabolism of xenobiotics in the organism, biotransformation enzymes and transport systems and factors influencing the metabolism of xenobiotics.