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Special Methods of Instrumental Analysis

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Syllabus – Special Methods of Instrumental Analysis (lessons)

Introduction to special methods of instrumental analysis.

Selection of analytical technique following analyte type, sample matrix, analysis requirements. Survey of analytical techniques.

Validation of analytical method, validation parameters and their importance in analytical method development.

Luminescence analysis, fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, emission and excitation spectra, fluorimeters, spectrofluorimeters, qualitative and quantitative applications.

Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, absorbing medium, resonance spectral lines, instrumentation, analytical applications. Atomic-fluorescence spectrometry.

High-frequency spectroscopic methods, nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR spectrum, analytical applications, mass spectrometry, mass spectrum, analytical applications.

Infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Application in pharmacetucial analysis, identification of active substances, packing materials, distribution of active substance in pharmaceutical formulation.

Pulse voltammetric methods. Difference pulse polarography. Stripping voltammetry.

Electromigration methods, electrophoretic mobility, principles of separation. Capillary isotachophoresis, capillary zone electrophoresis, instrumentation, analytical applications.

Isoelectric focusation, micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Capillary electrochromatography. Instrumentation, applications.

Modern trends in  HPLC (van Deemter theory, new stacionary phases, fast chromatography, detection), Supercritical fluid chromatography.

Mass spectrometry, mass spectrum, principles, instrumentation, Analytical and Bioanalytical application of mass spectrometry.

Ion-exchange chromatography. Ion-exchange phenomena, cation and anion exchangers, ion-exchange equilibria, amino acid analyzers, molecular sieves, gel-permeation chromatography.

Automation of analytical procedures, titrators, types of analyzers and their applications.

Flow-injection analysis, sequential injection analysis, automation of analytical procedures, principles, instrumentation, applications. Sequential injection chromatography.


The aim of the subject is to deepen the knowledge of students in analytical chemistry and to prepare them for solving analytical problems with use of instrumental methods. Emphasis is laid on the ability of students to select optimal methods and appropriate procedures with regard to the nature of the analysed object and to realize the scope and limitations of instrumental methods.

The subject belongs to specialization Pharmaceutical analysis.