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Analysis of Exogenic Substances in Biological Material

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


 Introduction to the topic, history of topic, various types and characteristics  of biomatrix, its sampling and handling.

Sample preparation methods: enzymic hydrolysis with ß-glucuronidase / arylsulfatase, physical and chemical deproteination, filtration, solvent pH adjustment, derivatization, importance of internal standard, various types of the extraction - liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), solid-phase extraction (SPE), solid-phase microextraction (SPME), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs).

Utilization of the derivatization in analysis of exogenous compounds in biomaterials, various types of the derivatization reactions and reagents

Preparation of analytical sample in clinical toxicology, special isolation procedures

Bioanalysis of illegal addictive compounds (drug of abuse), specificity in sample preparation

An overview of the instrumental analytical methods employed in analysis of exogenous compounds: methods of the saturation analysis (RIA etc.), HPLC, GC, CZE, importance of the hyphenation (tandem) methods in the identification of chemical structures of phase I and phase II metabolites.

Mass spectrometry in analysis of exogenous compounds in biomaterials

Centrifugation and ultracentrifugation techniques

Sample preparation prior mass spectrometric detection

Chiral compounds, nomenclature, terminology, chiral analysis in biomatrices

Tissue processing, tissue preservation, bank tissue, ethical problems connected with tissue withdrawal

Validation of analytical methods, devices and softwares from ABM point of view.

Accreditation of laboratories, activities in GLP mode, connecting terms.


The subject Analysis of exogenous compounds in biological materials (ABM) provides information on the methods of bioanalysis involving both sample preparation and the instrumental analysis (HPLC, CZE, GC using coupling with various detectors). The subject is partly carried out in the laboratories of Faculty Hospital in Hradec Králové.