Introduction to radiation protection
Radiation dose and units
Sources of radiation and radiation background
Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
Organizations in radiation protection
Physical basis of radiation
Elements, atomic and mass number
Law of radioactive decay
Half-life of radioactive decay
Specific activity
α, β and γ decay
Decay schemes
Interaction of radiation with matter
Directly and indirectly ionizing radiation
Process and consequences of interaction of α and β particles with matter
Process and consequences of interaction of γ and X-rays with matter
Process and consequences of interaction of neutrons with matter
Dosimetric definitions and units
Absorbed dose
Equivalent dose
Effective dose
Collective effective dose
Biological effects of radiation
Linear energy transfer
Direct and indirect effects of radiation
Biological effects of radiation
Influence of radiation on the cell cycle
Acute and delayed deterministic effect of radiation
Stochastic effects of radiation
Principles of radiation protection
Internal and external radiation hazard
Main principles of radiation protection (distance, time and shielding)
Half-value layer
Effective half-life
Dose limits
Personal dosimeters
Basic principles of radiation protection in laboratory
Detection and measurement of radiation
Principle and utilization of gas-filled detectors (ionization chamber and Geiger-Müller counter)
Principle and usage of scintillation detectors
Nuclear reactions
Process of fission reactions
Nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants
Linear particle accelerators and cyclotrons
Radionuclide generators
During the lectures of Principles of Dosimetry and Radiation Protection students will get to know with basic characteristics of different types of ionizing radiation and different ways of its measurement. The subject is also focused on interactions of ionizing radiation with matter and its biological effects.
Themes: Sources of radioactivity, Physical basis of radiation, Interaction of radiation with matter, Units and definitions used in dosimetry, Biological effects of ionizing radiation, Principles of radiation protection, Detection and measurement of radiation, Nuclear reactions.