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Drug Analysis

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |



 Drug identification

Detection of drugs using physical constants,  physicochemical methods (spectral, separational methods) and chemical methods

Group and selective reactions of individual structural types of drugs of important pharmacotherapeutic groups (analgesics-antipyretics, analgesics-anodynes, sedatives, anaesthetics, hypnotics, psychopharmaceuticals, analeptics, local anaesthetics, myorelaxants,etc.)

Tests on the purity of drugs (chemical tests chromatographic and spectral methods)

Determination of drug content (Pharmacopoeia Methods of Quantitative Analysis) APIs and Medicinal Products

Stability studies of pharmaceuticals

Development of methods for drug analysis  

Seminars and Practical training

Analytical evaluation of pharmaceuticals using pharmacopoeia

Identification of the drug using physico-chemical constants, chemical reactions, physicochemical methods

Tests on the purity of drugs (chemical evidence of impurities, evidence of impurities or degradation products by chromatographic and spectral methods)

Determination of drug content (pharmacopoeial methods of quantitative analysis), APIs, medicinal products, bioassay


The structure of drug is the key point for the choice of the appropriate analytical technique.

Subject Analysis of chemical drugs brings theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the principles of quality assurance, safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals. The course is designed not only for the current Czech and European Pharmacopoeia but it is also based on other modern pharmacopoeial monographs (e.g.The United States Pharmacopoeia). It also addresses other areas such as drug analysis in biological material.