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Selected chapters in Microbiology

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Introduction to microbiology. Human and microbes.

Host versus pathogen.

General bacteriology, genetics of bacteria.

Medically important cocci.

Other medically important bacterial genera.

Mycobacteria and other filamenous bacteria.

General virology – structure and replication of viruses. Classification of viruses.

Mycotic infections.

Parasitic protozoans nad helmints.

Review of antimicrobial compounds.

Resistance to antibiotics.

Disinfection, preservation and sterilization in pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical microbiology.

Practical organization in microbiological laboratory – safety in microbiological laboratory.

Disinfection, sterilisation – disinfection of hands, equipment of microbiological laboratory, biosafety levels in laboratory, types of biological samples for microbiological examinations, specimen collection, transport of clinical specimen, request form, microbiology of environment – smear from subject surfaces, …  

Microscopy – native and stained mounts (principles, pros and cons, usage).

Cultivation – types, conditions, types of cultivation media and their usage.

Laboratory screening of susceptibility to antimicrobial agents – disc diffusion test, E-test, determination of MIC.

G+ and G- cocci (laboratory diagnostics), G- rods (laboratory diagnostics), Enterobacteriaceae, G- non-fermenting rods.

Mycology (laboratory diagnostics), parasitology (laboratory diagnostics).


Subject Selected chapters in Microbiology is integral part of biological disciplines that provides knowledge about biology, morphology, metabolism, genetics and pathogenicity of microorganisms. Emphasis is put on essential aspects of relationships among microorganism, host and environment as well as influencing of this relationship by antimicrobial compounds.

This knowledge is alongside extended with structure-activity relationship aspect. The aim of this subject is to widen students´ basic knowledge gained during pregradual study and to complement them with knowledge required for postgradual study.