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Economics and Management in Health Care

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Basics of economics, management and marketing in pharmacy and health care

Health care specifics in economics and management

Pharmaceutical company and good manufacturing practice

Clinical trials and good clinical practice

Specifications of the health care management

Health care system and its financing

Pharmaceutical branches: industry, research, control, wholesalers and education

Management of the pharmaceutical factory

Principles of the Good Manufacturing Practice

Pharmaceutical control

Management of quality and public relations

Management of changes and the personal management

Team work and decision processes

Basics of rational pharmacotherapy

Pharmaceutical education

Basic principles of marketing. Supportive techniques of marketing

Strategic planning and statement of marketing in particular organizations

Marketing mix



Pharmaceutical branches are discussed from the point of view of their role in society, possibility of management and ways of regulation. Pharmaceutical industry is divided with regard to the character of drugs – the patent ones (including “me too” drugs), generics and orphan drugs.

Associations of pharmaceutical industry and wholesalers and contents of pharmaceutical research including principles of scientific work are discussed as well. Pharmaceutical control is discussed a little broader – not only control of quality of drugs but its activities and conditions of producing, dispensing, administering, prescribing and selling of drugs as well and as a tool of ensuring safety, effectiveness, efficacy and quality of drugs and drug use.

Emphasis on registration and ISO norms is put as well. Pharmaceutical education discusses education as a mirror of level of practice and graduates´ profile and it is discussed as well as pre-graduate or after-graduate education