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Physical principles of dosage forms formulation

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |

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Sylabus předmětu: Předmět je zaměřen na soustavy kapalných a tuhých látek, roztoky, fázové přechody a fázová rozhraní v látkových směsích, koloidní a hrubě disperzní systémy, přehled chemické kinetiky.


Physical chemistry is of significant importance in the drug formulation science. It serves as a basis of production and control procedures, it helps by modelling of technological procedures and by optimisation processes of formulations compositions.

In this subject, special attention will be paid to the most significant physical processes playing role during drug formulation, especially to thermodynamical relationships and physical behaviour of systems consisting of liquid, solid or gas phase; phase transitions and phase-interface phenomena. Students will also obtain extended knowledge in physical behaviour of colloidal and coarse disperse systems, surface-active substances and physico-chemical backgrounds in reaction kinetics.