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Physical Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


Introduction to the subject

A content of physical chemistry and its relation to pharmaceutical disciplines.

Intermolecular forces and states of matter binding and non-binding interactions crystallography, X-ray diffraction, polymorphism, isomorphism isotropy, anisotropy, liquid crystals.

Physico-chemical properties of substances, photochemistry

Polarity of substances, dipole moment, relative permitivity, absorption of electromagnetic radiation, Lamber-Beer´s law, atomic absorption and emission spectra light absorption by molecules in UV, VIS and IR region, mass spectrometry molecular emission spectra (Raman phenomenon, fluorescence and phosphorescence) photochemical reactions.

Thermodynamics 0th law of thermodynamics, temperature. 1st law of thermodynamics, internal energy and enthalpy, standard state, thermochemical functions, thermochemical laws. 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, Helmholtz and Gibbs energies, conception of absolute entropy. 3rd law of thermodynamics.

Chemical equilibrium

Equilibrium constant, equilibrium degree of conversion and its control by reaction conditions, LeChatelier principle. standard change of Gibbs energy during a reaction, the temperature dependence of equilibrium constant, van´t Hoff equations.

Phase equilibrium

Gibbs phase rule, one component system, phase diagram, Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

Binary mixtures (liquid – gas, liquid – liquid, liquid – solid), Henry´s law.

Solubility of solid substances, system solid substance – solvent.

Raoult´s law and its application, colligative properties, cryoscopy and ebullioscopy, osmotic pressure.

Ternary mixtures, Nernst distribution law, extraction.

Thermal analysis – differential scanning calorimetry.

Reaction kinetics reaction rate, molecularity, mechanisms and order of a reaction, simplex reactions, reactions of 0th, 1st, 2nd and n-th order of reaction, rate constant, reaction half-life, determination of an order of a reaction dependence of the reaction rate on the temperature: Arrhenius’s equation, activation energy, reaction coordinates, the rate-determining step of a reaction effect of other factors on the reaction rate, catalysis kinetic and thermodynamic control of a reaction

Electrochemistry, ionic equilibria equilibria electrolyte solutions, characteristics of electrolytes, degree of dissociation

Arrhenius classical theory specific and molar conductivity of electrolytes activity, activity coefficient, ionic strength, Debye-Hückel’s limiting law autoprotolysis of water, pH in aqueous and non-aqueous media, theories of acids and bases dissociation of weak acids and bases, calculation of their pH, Ostwald´s law buffers, mechanism of their action, Henderson-Hasselbalch equations, buffer capacity hydrolysis of salts, hydrolytic constant and calculation of pH of salt solutions amphoteric electrolytes, isoelectric point acid-base indicators solubility of slightly soluble salts, solubility product

Electrochemistry, electrochemical methods conductivity of electrolytes, Kohlrausch law, Arrhenius relation,

Nernst equation, electrode potential of metal/metal-ion system, standard reduction potential potentiometry, types of electrodes, usage of potentiometry (pH measurement, potentiometric titration) membrane electrodes, Donnan potential, glass electrode electrolysis, Faraday´s laws, galvanic cells net movement of molecules (diffusion – Fick’s law), transport processes in solutions, Nernst–Planck equation electric double layer, introduction to electrochemical methods

Phase interface phenomena, Colloidal systems liquid surfaces, surface tension adsorption at liquid interfaces, surface-active substances, hydrophile-lipophile balance particle phase interface phenomena, influence of electrolytes, principles of chromatography classification of colloidal systems, lyophilic, lyophobic, and associating colloids optical, kinetic and electrical properties of colloids suspensions, liquid surfaces, surface and interface tension, sedimentation emulsions, types of emulsions, theory of their formation and stability micelles, critical micelle concentration

Practical training

Determination of the relative molecular weight by Rast method

Determination of the distribution coefficient of a substance between two immiscible liquids

Kinetic measurement of the acetylsalicylic acid decomposition (1st order kinetics)

Kinetic measurement of the basic decomposition of ethyl acetate (2nd order kinetics)

Potentiometric determination of the dissociation constant of a weak acid

Conductimetric determination of the dissociation constant of a weak acid or a weak base

Measurement of electrode potentials

Determination of the critical micellar concentration

Spectrophotometric determination of the dissociation constant of an acid-base indicator  

Seminars, solution of model problems

Concentration of solutions pH of strong and weak acids and bases, pH of buffers, pH dependence of dissociation of substances solubility, solubility product electrode potential, oxidation-reduction potential osmotic pressure reaction rate, half-life of reaction, Arrhenius equation

Clausius-Clapeyron equation, equilibrium constant, van’t Hoff´s reaction isobar, van’t Hoff´s reaction isotherm thermodynamic feasibility of a reaction distribution coefficient basic thermodynamic quantities


Physical chemistry is a multidisciplinary subject employing the knowledge of physics, chemistry, electrochemistry and quantum mechanics for the description of substances on the molecular level. This subject provides a necessary theoretical basis and enables students to acquire knowledge of principles of physical-chemical methods of measurement. This subject affords a fundamental knowledge necessary in study of follow-up subjects from the area of natural sciences as well as pharmaceutical disciplines.

Topics: Introduction to the subject, Intermolecular forces and states of matter, Physico-chemical properties of substances, Photochemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemical equilibrium, Phase equilibrium, Reaction kinetics, Electrochemistry, Colloidal systems.