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Private Law

Class at Faculty of Law |


Outline of the Course

Introduction to the Private Law and Fundamental Institutions of the Private Law (History of civil law • Basic principles of private law • • System of private law • Subjects of rights and duties)

Subjects of Private Law (Natural persons • Legal entities • Legal capacity)

Family Law (Features of the Family Law • Marriage Registered Partnership • Child and Parents • Comparative insight into several institutes)

Property Law (System of rights to things • Ownership • Lien (pledge, mortgage), easements, rights of retention)

Law of Succession (Concept and function • Testamentary succession • Intestate /statutory/ succession)

Contracts (Fundamental principles • Formation of contracts • Types of contracts)

Torts (General and special liability for damage • Compensation of damage • Unjust enrichment)

Labour Law (Provision of Employment • Collective Labour Law • Labour Disputes Fundamental legislative changes)

Copyright Law (Principles • Copyright and Related Rights • European Copyright Law • Collecting Societies)

Industrial Property Rights (The Classification of Industrial Property Rights • International Protection • Trade Marks • Trade Mark Registration Procedure • WIPO)    

Course Goals / Learning Outcomes:

Student has general overview of all particular branches of Private law in the Czech Republic. Student is oriented in Private law sources (Civil Code, Labour Code, Copyright Act etc.). Student has knowledge about fundamental institutes of Private Law. Student is able to compare and contrast different conceptions of selected Private law institutes in main European Civil Codes. Student is able to transfer and use some general ideas from the course for his further study of Private law at his university.    


The aim of the course is to introduce the essentials of Czech private law. Private Law, after 1989, has become again the very basis of the Czech legal order.

The first part of the course is aimed at the understanding of the private law system, and its fundamental notions and principles thereof. Then, the course will focus in more details on the essentials of subjects, property and other rights to things, essentials of contracts as well as essentials of torts.

The course is also aimed at fundamentals of labour law and intellectual property law, as parts of private law in broader sense.