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Common European Asylum System (in the time of the refugee crisis

Class at Faculty of Law |


Lecture 1:  Historical development of international protection

Lecture 2: … International protection in Europe

Lecture 3:  Development of the European Asylum Systém

Lecture 4:  EU legislation in force I

Lecture 5:  EU lagislation in force II 

Lecture 6: … The role of the courts - relevant jurisdiction of CJEU and ECHR

Lecture 7:  Case study relevant Czech legislation

Lecture 8: Ukraine war crisis and EU reaction

Lecture 9:  Temporary protection …

Lecture 10: Integration of refugees

Course Goals / Learning Outcomes:

The aim of the course is to search effective European response to refugee influx after Russian invasion to Ukraine, to improve knowledge of the Common European asylum Systém and its functioning in the time of refugee crisis, promote the capacity to debate legal aspects of asylum policy    


The course is focused on one of the most important problems of our European contemporary life – refugee crisis and its political and legal solution. It should cover an introduction to the European Asylum System in a historical context and international context, analysis of EU legislation in force and case study on transposition of relevant legislation into

Czech legal system. Contemporary problems in the time of Ukraine refugee crisis, and activation of temporary protection régime, especially in the light of the Czech Republic experience. The course should focus not only on theoretical aspects of legal regulation of international protection of refugees, but should also give an opportunity for participants to simulate negotiations over the European legislation in the Council and to simulate an interview with an asylum or temporary protection seeker. The aim of the course is to improve the knowledge of the European Asylum system, its application.