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Natural Resources Law

Class at Faculty of Law |


Outline of the Course

Introduction to NRL. Mining Law

Energetic Law.

Nuclear law

Renewable resources I.

Renewable resources II.

Fresh waters

Biological diversity

Fishing and hunting

Soil and agriculture


Course Goals / Learning Outcomes:

The goal of the course is to give to the students general understanding of natural resources law problems in their mutual legal, social, economic and climatic consequences.  

Reading List

Report on the Environment of the Czech Republic 2009 (Ministry of the Environment)State Environmental Policy (2002-2010) (Ministry of the Environment)State Energy Policy (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2004)The Raw Material Policy of the Czech Republic in the Field of Mineral Materials and their Resources (Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of the Environment, 1999)National Renewable Energy Action Plan of the Czech Republic (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2010)Conception of Water Management Policy of the Czech Republic for the Period after EU Accession (2004-2010) (Ministry of Agriculture)Report on Forestry in the Czech Republic (Ministry of Agriculture, 2009)Game Management in the Czech Republic (Ministry of Agriculture, 2004)Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Montego Bay, 1982)

Final Examination:

Written test and group oral presentations on the selected topic (groups from various Erasmus universities) – comparison with the PPP

Means of communication:

YouTube and MS Teams and/or Moodle    


The course will give to the students the fundamental information and knowledge of common, international, European and Czech legal regulation of using and protection of natural resources. Special attention will be given to energetic, nuclear and mining law in the climate change consequences.