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Academic writing

Class at Faculty of Law |


The following topics will be covered:

- Why are we asking research questions?

- Research questions: How to choose and formulate one?

- What to study within a PhD: A complex study of an institute or studying a single issue in detail?

- How to look for previous studies and how to get access to it?

- How to conduct a literature review

- Referencing and citation management software

- Plagiarism and how to avoid it

- How to structure articles in social sciences

- Writing effectively and interestingly

- Revising papers

- How to receive feedback?

- Conferences: How to choose which ones to attend?

- Czech and foreign journals: How to choose the proper one?

- Journal Metrics. IF, AIS: OMG?

- Review process: How to write a cover letter, response to the reviews and what to expect?

- How to deal with a rejection

- Publishing a book

- What are benefits of open access for science and for society?

- Open science taxonomy, Green / diamond / gold open access

- Risks arising from predatory open access journals


After the course, PhD students will be able to: 1. decide whether they really want to write a dissertation and do research and whether they want to do it on a specific topic. As a result, students will be more confident about what they want to achieve in their studies, how and with whose help; 2. develop a detailed plan of what they want to do in their PhD project; 3. learn the basics of academic life and academic craft.