The Elective subject "History of Legal Professions” is structured as an outline of the history of diverse legal professions. Therefore, it investigates the status and participation of legally educated persons in public and private law spheres.
The key issue analysed therein is the definition of the concept of "lawyer" in the respective historical periods. Most of the members of the Department of Legal History contribute to this profile subject, which covers the period from Antiquity to the 20th century.
The presentation starts with a description of Ancient Rome whereby the students are acquainted with the role of Roman experts in law in a spectrum of offices, as well as the activities of legal counsels at that time, and their impact on the creation and application of Roman Law. This passage is followed by one concerning the estate of lawyers as it emerged in the 12th century, with special emphasis placed on the legal education provided in Europe in the Middle Ages.
Later, the students are presented with a history of legal professions and the status of a lawyer in France, England, USA and also in Germany throughout the National Socialist (Nazi) period. The above series of presentations is followed by one describing the history of legal disciplines in Czech national history as arranged in chronological order.
The lectures therefore begin with characterizing legal education and the practice of lawyers in the Middle Ages, followed by lectures on the administrative apparatus and its bureaucratic nature in the Habsburg State following the White Mountain period. The remaining portions of the course are devoted to the legal professions of the 19th century and the course is concluded with the description of the First Republic period.
Tento výběrový předmět poskytuje základní informace o historii právnických profesí a o uplatnění osob s právnickým vzděláním jak ve službách státu, tak i dalších povoláních. Stejně tak je věnována pozornost vymezení pojmu "právník" v jednotlivých historických epochách.