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Theory of State

Class at Faculty of Law |


Theory of State as a scientific field is the starting point for the study of constitutional law, because it examines and classifies the state which is in turn described and constituted by the constitutional law.  The subject of Theory of State focuses primarily on examination of the state as a legal person of a particular kind and further studies the forms of its organization, the relationship between the state and the citizen and the ideational  basis influencing the theory of state.

Theory of state forms part of social sciences drawing on theory of law and theory of state power, philosophy, sociology, history and many other fields. The state as the main focus of interest of the theory of state is examined within the scope of these fields.

The aim of the course is not just to introduce the concepts but also to understand, through presentation of the main concepts, how the state and the constitution operate and what are the limitations.

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Předmět je "vědou o státě". Výklad směřuje k poznání struktury státu, jeho možných způsobů uspořádání, původu a vývoji jednotlivých institutů stát a vztah stát-občan charakterizujících.