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Constitutional Law I

Class at Faculty of Law |


Constitutional Law focuses on interpretation of the Constitution as the basic law of the state and on the origins of individual constitutional institutions.

The interest of the constitutional law as a science is focused on the creation and application of power in the state, division of government and defining the limits of the government, determining the powers of individual state bodies and the relationships among them. In addition to the issues of implementation of state power the constitutional law also deals with human rights and fundamental freedoms and the relationship between the state and its citizens in general. The constitutional law also interprets legal rules related to the Constitution such as the Act on the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, the Act on the Czech National Bank, but also other laws and deals with the issues of elections or citizenship. The students work with international treaties and decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic as primary sources of law.

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Ústavní právo je zaměřeno na výklad Ústavy jako základního zákona státu, spolu s dalšími úzce souvisejícími normami. Jeho cílem je rozbor základních vztahů mezi občanem a státem a mezi státními orgány navzájem.