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Contracts and Torts

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Outline of the Course

Concept of Obligation • Historical and Modern Development • Decisive Features of Obligations • Principles of Obligations • Sources of Obligations • Types of Obligations • Origination of Obligations

Principles of Interpretation of Contracts • Common Types of Nominate Contracts • Purchase Contract·• Contract on Work·• Lease Contract • Carriage contract

Introduction to Contracts • Principal Sources • Definition and Meaning • Foundations of the Binding Force of Contract·• The Synallagmatic or Bilateral Contract and the Unilateral Contract·• Nominate and in nominate Contracts

Concept of Contract • Foundations of the Binding Force of Contract (Lex Contractus) • Types of Contracts • Parties to a Contract • Content of Contract • Origination of Contract • Harmonisation of European Contract Law (Principles of European Contract Law) • Principle of Good Faith in European Contract Law

Contracts in Family Law (in general) • Marriage as a contract • Cohabitation as a contract • Joint consent over child’s fatherhood – a contract or not? • Contracts related with the joint property of spouses • Contracts related with the alimony

Introduction to Torts • Principal Sources • Functions of Tort Law • Economic Analyse of Tort Law • Civil Liability • Prerequisites • Comparative Overview • Case Law

Fault as a Prerequisite of General Liability for Damage • Intention and Negligence • Fortuity • Contribution of Injured Party • Comparative Overview • Case Law  

Wrongfulness/Unlawfulness as a Prerequisite of Liability for Damage • Circumstances Excluding the Unlawfulness • Comparative Overview • Causality as a Prerequisite of Liability for Damage • Factual and Legal Causation • Prescription in Tort Law • Comparative Overview • Case law

Damages • Manner and Scope of Compensation for Damage • Compensation in Money and Restitution • Joint Liability • Comparative overview 

Different Types of Special Liabilities for Damage in Civil law • Cases and Practical Examples  

Course goals:  

Student has general overview of all particular concepts of obligation/contracts and relevant features of obligation law in the Czech Republic. Student is oriented in Private law source (Civil Code). Student has knowledge about fundamental institutes of contractual and delict law. Student is able to compare and contrast different conceptions of selected tort law institutes in main European Civil Codes. Student is able to transfer and use some general ideas from the course for his further study of contractual and delict law at his university.    


The purpose of the course is to give students an opportunity to study closely selected topics in the area of contracts and torts as provided in Czech Private law. In the first part of the course students will be introduced to principles of formulation, interpretation and enforcement of contracts.

The following parts of the course will address in details legal protection afforded by the Civil Code against interference by others with security of ones person, property or intangible interests. Special emphasis will be given to consideration of general liability and special liability for damage.

Student will have an opportunity to discuss current topics related to contracts and torts with practical examples from the legal practice and court decisions.