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Labour Law and Social Security Law

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Outline of the Course  

Introduction in labour law, the concept of worker

Key principles of EU labour law

Contract of employment, employment relationship, establishment, changes and termination

Working time, rest periods

Salary and working conditions

Discrimination and its ban in social law

Work-life balance in social law

Social protection

Posting of workers

Coordination of social security laws

 Course Goals:

After hearing this course, students will be able to:

Identify main workers‘ rights

Identify discrimination and face it

Propose concrete instruments to harmonize private and work life

Critically reflect on several pieces of social legislation

Means of communication: Moodle

Reading List

PICHRT, J.; ŠTEFKO, M.: Labour Law, Kluwer Law International, The Hague 2009

KOLDINSKÁ, K., LANG, R. Social security law. Kluwer Law International. The Hague, 2020ŠTEFKO, M.: Czech Labour Law in European Context, Charles University Press, Prague 2007TRÖSTER, P., VYSOKAJOVÁ, M.: International Encyclopaedia of Social Security Law - Czech Republic, Suppl. 57, Kluwer Law International, The Hague 2006KOLDINSKÁ, K., ŠTEFKO, M. Sociální vývoj a sociální situace v České republice v roce 2008, Die soziale Entwicklung und soziale Lage in der Tschechischen Republik im Jahr 2008, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Prag Analyse aus der Tschechischen Republik 1/2009, available at,, K.: Czech and Slovak Labour Law - Protective or liberal? In: International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Kluwer Law International No 24/3 2008KOLDINSKÁ, K.: Soziales Europa? Testfall Tschechien. In: Collegium Europaeum Jenense (Hg.): Sociales Europa Testfall Polen und Tschechien (Tagung vom 15. Juni 2007). Edition Paideia, Verlag IKS Garamond, Jena 2008KOLDINSKÁ, K.: Gender Equality: Before and Aer the Enlargement of EU: The Case of the Czech Republic. In: European Law Journal, No. 2, 2007, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford


The course examines and compares the history, structure and regulations of both employment law (labour law) and social security law in Central Europe (mainly the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia). After a definition of general terms and a brief review of both legal theory and history, the course focuses principally on social risks covered by the said branches of law (for example pregnancy, maternity, sickness, disability to work, unemployment, invalidity or death of a breadwinner).

The course provides a comprehensive study of current EC law, international law, and Czech labour and social security law including case law. If appropriate, there will be comparisons with other Central European countries.

Special attention is devoted to the Posted Workers Directive, and pension and health care reforms in Central Europe.