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Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution

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1.                   General Introduction into Arbitration 2.                   Arbitration Agreement

-                    Validity of Arbitration Agreement

-                    Arbitrability

-                    Drafting the Arbitration Agreement

Mandatory reading:[1]

Lucky Goldstar (pp. 284-287)

Kulukundis Shipping (pp. 175-177)

Sphere Drake (pp. 323-324)

Kahn Lucas (pp. 324-328)

Brower v Gateway (pp. 341-345)

Recommended reading:[2]

Moses: pp. 18-58

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 43-101

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 85-161

Legal sources:

New YorkConvention:

Model Law

Uncitral Rules:

ICC Rules:

VIAC Rules:

PragueRules:   3.                   The Tribunal

-                    Appointment of Arbitrators

-                    Duties of Arbitrators

-                    Challenge to Arbitrators

Mandatory reading:

Judgment of 24 February 1994 (pp. 618 and 619)

Judgment of 18 January 1991 (pp. 639-641)

Judgment of 26 January 1989 (pp. 348-350)

Judgment of 9 February 1998 (pp. 667-669)

ICS Inspection vArgentina(pp. 669-670)

Recommended reading:

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 121-146

Moses: pp. 122-156

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 241-362

New YorkConvention art. V(1)(d)

UNCITRAL Model Law art. 10-15, 34(2)(a)(iv) and 36(1)(a)(iv)

UNCITRAL Rules art. 6-16

ICC Rules art. 12-15   4.                   Applicable Law and Rules

-                    Delocalisation v. Territoriality

-                    Law Appliable to Arbitration Agreement

-                    Rules and Law Applicable to the Arbitral Proceedings

-                    Law Applicable to Merits of the Case

Mandatory reading:

XL Ins. v Owens Corning Corporation (pp. 240-243)

Judgment of 20 December 1993-“Dalico” (pp. 165-166)

Preliminary Award in ICC Case No. 5505 (pp. 566-569)

Final Award in ICC Case No. 5460 (pp. 905-906)

Award in ICC Case No. 4237 (pp. 906-907)

Award in ICC Case No. 2930 (pp. 907-908)

Preliminary Award in ICC Case No. 4132 (pp. 908-910)

Recommended reading:

Moses: pp. 59-86

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 55-58, 111-114, 233-259

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 163-239   5.                   The Arbitral Proceedings and Judicial Assisstance

-                    Taking of Evidence

-                    Interim Measures

-                    Anti-suit Injunctions

Mandatory reading:

Saphire (pp. 569-570)

Interim Award in ICC Case No. 5029 (pp. 719-720)

Final Award in ICC Case No. 7626 (pp. 720-721)

Procedural Order in ICC Case No. 5542 (pp. 751-752)

Oceanic Transport Corp. v.Monroviav. Alcoa Steamship Co. (p. 780)

Channel Tunnel (pp. 869-873)

Recommended reading:

Moses: pp. 87-120, 157-188

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 147-193, 203-220

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 363-464   6.                   The Award

-                    Different Types of Awards

-                    Challenges to the Award

Mandatory reading:

PT GarudaIndonesiav. Birgen Air: pp. 537-541

Union ofIndia: pp. 563-569

Fertilizer Corp. OfIndiav. IDI Management, Inc.: pp. 1027-1028, 1049-1050

Judgment of 12 January 2005: pp. 1064-1066

Hall StreetAssociates: pp. 1086-1091

Recommended reading:

Moses: pp. 189-210

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 271-368

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 513-619   7.                   Enforcement of Arbitral Awards

Mandatory reading:

Fertilizer: 1181-1183

Chromalloy 1110-1113

Eco swiss: 439-440

Mitsubishi: 433-438

New YorkConvention, Article V

Recommended reading:

Moses: pp. 211-229

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 369-410

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 621-679   8.                   Investment Arbitration

-                    Special Features of Investment Arbitration

-                   WashingtonConvention

-                    Bilateral Investments Treaties

-                    Standards of Protection

Mandatory reading:

Moses: pp. 230-251

Recommended reading:

Born-Law and Practice: pp. 411-439   9.                   Investment Arbitration

-                    Definition of Investment

Mandatory reading:

Decision of the Tribunal on Objections to Jurisdiction in the case: Fedax N.V. v. The Republic of Venezuela ICSID Case No. ARB/96/3

See the following link:

Recommended reading:

Redfern/Hunter: pp. 465-512   10.               Mediation and other ADR methods

-                    Nature of Mediation

-                    Duties of Mediator

-                    Confidentiality

-                    Legal Nature of Settlement

-                    Facilitative Mediation

-                    Evaluative Mediation

-                    Collaborative Mediation

Mandatory reading:

Moses: pp. 14-18  

Lecturer's Profile:

ZBYŠEK KORDAČ, JUDr., LL.M. (San Francisco), LL.M. (London), is a lawyer focusing on dispute resolution. He has been appointed as an arbitrator in number of domestic as well as international cases. He is listed on lists of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre and of the Arbitration Courtattached to the Economic Chamber of the CzechRepublicand Agricultural Chamber of the CzechRepublic. Zbyšek is a member of the Czech Bar Association and passed also the bar examination in Californiaand New York. He has participated on legislative works in the area of arbitration and mediation. Zbyšek repeatedly represented the Czech Republic at UNCITRAL Working Group II (arbitration/mediation). Zbyšek graduated from the Charles University in 2006 (summa cum laude) and was awarded the Doctor of Laws degree in 2008 for his thesis on arbitrability. He has also studied at the Queen Mary University of London (LL.M. in International and Comparative Dispute Resolution) and at the University of San Franc


The aim of the course is to present different methods of dispute resolution. Litigating before national courts is not always the best method how to deal with the dispute which has arisen. Parties can employ number of other dispute resolution techniques and methods. First part of the course will deal with arbitration. Especially in the area of international commerce, arbitration became the preferred method of resolving disputes. After introducing features of international commercial arbitration, the course will focus on the differences which can be found in the area of investment arbitration. The course will conclude with class on mediation and overview of other ADR methods.

1. General Introduction into Arbitration

2. Arbitration Agreement  Validity of Arbitration Agreement  Arbitrability  Drafting the Arbitration Agreement

3. The Tribunal  Appointment of Arbitrators  Duties of Arbitrators  Challenge to Arbitrators

4. Applicable Law and Rules  Delocalisation v. Territoriality  Law Appliable to Arbitration Agreement  Rules and Law Applicable to the Arbitral Proceedings  Law Applicable to Merits of the Case

5. The Arbitral Proceedings and Judicial Assisstance  Taking of Evidence  Interim Measures  Anti-suit Injunctions

6. The Award  Different Types of Awards  Challenges to the Award

7. Enforcement of Arbitral Awards  New York Convention  Defenses against enforcement

8. Investment Arbitration  Special Features of Investment Arbitration  Washington Convention  Bilateral Investments Treaties  Standards of Protection

9. Investment Arbitration  Definition of Investment

10. Mediation and other ADR methods  Nature of Mediation  Duties of Mediator  Confidentiality  Legal Nature of Settlement  Facilitative Mediation  Evaluative Mediation  Collaborative Mediation