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Jessup - preparation

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The course content consists of these general topics:

- sources of international law

- state responsibility

- procedure in front of the International Court of Justice

- mooting skills

Each year, at the finals of the International Rounds, the organizers publish topics for the following year´s competition. Those topics will be added to the course curriculum and sent to the students.


The subject is a preparatory and selection course for the team members of the Faculty of Law´s team in the Philip

C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (

The enrolled students will work independently as well as in teams in order to acquire mooting skills and knowledge of both general topics of international law as well as particular issues relevant for that years Jessup themes.

During the course, the tutor will select 5 students among the course participants and offer them to join the Faculty

Jessup team in the upcoming academic year.

The course will begin in April / May and end in September. During the period, students will be meeting in person and/or online with the tutor(s) and discuss the assigned (via Moodle) reading.

The course consists of app. 10 meetings, each devoted to individual curriculum topic, to which students will be provided reading via Moodle. During the meetings, the topics will be critically discussed.

During the course, each student will be required to submit 1 written submission (as a party to a fictitious dispute in front of the International Court of Justice) based on a fictitious scenario and subsequently participate in a moot court in which they will defend the submission as a party to a fictitious dispute in front of the ICJ.

Enrolling into the subject is only possible via email. To enroll, the students are to send a motivation letter (in

English) to till 1 April.