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EU Careers preparation course (CU)

Class at Central Library of Charles University |


Lectures provided by Charles University:

I. Modul European Union, institutions, and people

The aim of the module is to provide students with preparation for testing their knowledge in a selection procedure in the field of the functioning of the institutions of the European Union, the EU legal order and its policies. Topics covered include the institutional framework of the EU, including inter-institutional relations, the main EU policy areas, the EU legal framework including primary law and secondary legislation, and the relationship between the Union and the Member States. The module is taught as a block of 5 hours of full-time teaching, including lectures and group work, followed by ongoing individual self-study with feedback.

Students can find the supporting materials in Moodle at the link

IV. Modul Self-presentation skills

The aim of the module is to prepare students with their self-presentation and communication skills that will enable them to become a star in a competency-based interview. On successful completion of this module, students will be able to act professionally and effectively in a competency-based interview in a way that will increase their chances of success in selection procedures in EU organisations.

Students can find the supporting materials in Moodle at the link


The course is designed for students and graduates of Charles University who want to develop their career in the

EU institutions and bodies. The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) organises the selection procedure for the positions of AD Generalists and AD Specialists in the EU institutions. The aim of the course is to increase awareness of career options and opportunities for employment in the EU institutions and bodies and thus increase the chances of success in open competitions or selection procedures to increase the representation of

Czechs in the European Union.