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Economic Development and Institutions

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. Motivation for Studying Political Economy and Development Economics. Course Overview. Perfect Experiment and Rubin Causal Model. Methods and Concepts: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT), Conditional Independence Assumption (CIA)

2. Long-run Effects of Institutions. Local and Macro development. Persistence on the Local Level. Methods and Concepts: Regression Discontinuity Design and Instrumental Variables.

3. Leaders and Politicians. Methods and Concepts: Markov Perfect Equilibrium, Bayes-Nash Equilibrium, Difference in Differences      3a. Clientelism, Patronage, and Programmatic Politics.      3b. Political Agency and Incentives in the Public Sector      3c. Selecting Politicians      3d. Motivating and Constraining Politicians      3e. Politicians and Service Delivery; Gender and Minority Quotas and Policies

4. Bureaucrats and Bureaucracies:      4a. Bureaucrats, and Service Delivery      4b. Selecting Bureaucrats      4c. Motivating Bureaucrats      4d. The Structure of Bureaucracy and Service Delivery Quality

5. Evidence on Governance Reforms:      5a. Fair Elections, Informed Voters      5b. Decentralization, Community Driven Development, and Get Out the Vote.

6. Conflict: International Conflicts and Civil Wars      6a. Causes of Conflict, Methods: more on Difference in Differences      6b. Dealing with Costs of Conflict, Methods: Synthetic Controls

7. Corruption: Efficient or Inefficient? Monitoring Corruption. Costs of Corruption

8. Media: Information, Persuasion, Coordination. Media Bias. Government Control