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Economics I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |



·   Rationality

·   Economics as a science  

Consumer theory

·   Theory of supply and demand, elasticity

·   Supply, demand and public policies

·   Consumer behavior  

Producer theory

·   Production function

·   Profit maximization

·   Cost minimization  

Market structures

·   Perfect and imperfect competition

·   Antitrust policy and income distribution


What influences the economic decisions of individuals and companies? What cognitive distortions do consumers face and how does it impact the market? Can economic models offer effective means to improve the world we live in? The course of Economics I deals with such questions. It offers both a basic overview of economic principles and an introduction to economic analysis and research.

In addition to the analysis of economics models, we will discuss current topics in economics but also use the knowledge from other disciplines, especially psychology and behavioral biology. The course is taught in Czech.