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History of Economic Thought

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Weekly Schedule:

1.    S (Seminar): Moral and Political Philosophy and Economics        L (Lecture): Introduction to the Course. From Ancient Greece to the 16th Century.

2.    S. Developments of Ideas on Property Rights.        L: From feudalism to capitalism, Pre-Classical Thought – Formative Period of Classical Political Economy: Mercantilists. Sir William Petty. Bernard de Mandeville, Richard Cantillon, Physiocrats – Francois Quesnay, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, David Hume.

3.     S: Development of Ideas on Public Finance.          L: Classical Thought: Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Jean Baptist Say.  The Age of Ricardo: David Ricardo, Thomas Robert Malthus. Discussions of that Age. Classical Approach to Prices. Classical Approach to Recessions.

4.     S: Economies as Systems.          L: Modern Time – Basic Milestones: John Stuart Mill. Marginalist Revolution - Background, William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger, Léon Walras. Keynesian Revolution. Monetarist Counterrevolution. Philosophy of Science - Selected Topics.

5.     S: Development of Ideas on  International Trade.          L: Austrian School and its Neigbourhood: Karl Menger, Ludwig von Wieser, Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek. Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter. Neo Austrian School.

6.     S: Factors of Production and Economic Growth and Development in Historical Perspective.        L: Neoclassical Thought in the Anglosaxonian World and its Neighbourhood before Keynes.

7.     S:The History of Monetary Economics.        L: Marxist Economic Thought and its Neighbourhood.

8.    S: Keynes and Mainstream  Macroeconomic Thought after Keynes.         L: Piero Sraffa, Michal Kalecki and the Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics.

9.   S: Postkeynesian Economics and Its Neighbourhood.       L: Institutional Economics and Ordoliberalism.

10.  S: General Economic Equilibrium - from Triumph to Crisis. Welfare Econoomics and the Economic Theories of Justice.         L: Adam Smith in detail.

11.  Cancelled in 2024: National Holiday       S: Alfred Marshall in detail       L: John Maynard Keynes in detail       In 2024, these topics will be neither in the midterm nor in the final tests.

12.   Cancelled in 2024: National Holiday

13.  S: Joseph Alois Schumpeter in detail         L: Closing the Course. What Character has our Knowledge of Economics? Why does Economic Thought Develop? Why do we study the History of Economc Thought?


This course presents history of economic thought in contemporary context. It is centered in the historical development of current mainstream and postkeynesian economic ideas and ideas linked with the Austrian school. It shows also development of some non-orthodox economic thinking relevant in current period, especially of institutional economics. At the end of the course, some great economists are covered in more detail.

The main goal of this course is to provide students with understanding of historical roots of contemporary economic thought. In addition students are also led to reading original papers linked with the history of economic thought and to writing critical appraisals of original papers.