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Topics in Industrial Organization

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Market structure of an industry

Type of structure (monopoly (natural versus administrative), dominant firm, cooperative/non-cooperative oligopoly, monopolistic competition, perfect competition)

Barriers to entry into the industry

Market share and market power

Demand structure of the industry


Non-cooperative strategic decision making (predatory pricing, limit pricing, …)

Cooperative strategic decision making (collusion)

Price discrimination

Price development and price forecast

Market equilibrium

Information and information asymmetry

Supply chain

Advertisement, marketing

Patent policy, trade marks, specificities of goods

Incentives for innovations, technological progress (R&D)


National, EU and international regulation policy

Antitrust legislation and its application in the industry

Regulation of international trade (tariffs, subsidies, quotas, …)

Questions and discussion

The company within the industry

Ownership and corporate governance

Mergers & Acquisitions

Cost curves, economies of scale

Hierarchy of the company’s goals  


This course provides perspectives of top executives of important Czech firms on industrial organization. Every lecture, given by a different top executive, focuses on one specific industry and its market structure, pricing, regulation, and factors influencing market equilibrium.

The course covers major industries such as private equity, real estate, energy industries, banking, finance, telecommunications, IT, media, public relations, building industry, engineering, food industry, or health care.