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European Economic Policies

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Lecture 1         Introduction to EEP

                       Development of economic alignment among euro area countries

Lecture 2         EU Financial Integration  

Lecture 3         European Monetary Policy      

Lecture 4         Equilibrium Exchange Rate against EUR         

Lecture 5         European Labour Market

Lecture 6         European Fiscal Policies    

Lecture 7         European Fiscal Framework    

Lecture 8         European Macroprudential Policies     

Lecture 9         EU economic policy challenges

Lecture 10       Way(s) towards the Euro

Lecture 11       Common Agricultural Policy   

Lecture 12       Competition and the EU Banking        

Lecture 13       Guest Lecture / Pre-exam   



The course covers major aspects of the economic policy-making in the European Union. It addresses general topics such as economic theories behind the European economic policies, political economy aspects of the European policy-making, and the current EU challenges. It also pays attention to the institutional set-ups and major challenges of the key European economic policies, namely monetary, fiscal, financial stability and - last but not least - agricultural policy. The impact of the important recent events such as financial crisis as consequences of enlargement is also explored. The course includes guest lectures by external speakers who are prominent experts on specific European policies.