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Corporate Finance

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Main Topics Covered

1. Review of key finance concepts: present value, valuation of bonds and stocks, investment criteria (chapters 2-5).

2. Making investment decisions and project analysis (chapters 6 and


3. Investments, strategy, and economic rents (chapter


4. Risk, return, and the cost of capital: CAPM and APT (chapters 7-9).

5. Efficient markets, corporate financing and how corporations issue securities (chapters 13-15).

6. Payout and debt policies (Modigliani and Miller propositions) and corporate borrowing (chapters 16-18).

7. Introduction to derivative securities: real options (chapters 20-22).

8. Managing risk: forwards and futures (chapter



The course provides students with the principles of corporate finance and their practical applications. It covers deeper insight into valuation of bonds and stocks, decision-making within corporations, theory of capital structure and management, and related topics of payout and debt policies.

In addition, the course covers basics of pricing derivative securities and managing risk.