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Financial Econometrics I

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Introduction to Financial Econometrics

Properties of Financial Time Series - Assets, Prices, Random Walk, Moving average Models.

Predictability of Asset Returns - Definitions, Testing Random Walk, Unit Root

Linear Models for Financial Time Series - AR, MA, Wold decomposition

Nonlinearities in Financial Data - Volatility, EWMA, (G)ARCH

Long memory in volatility - FIGARCH, Long memory Stochastic volatility models.

Persistence in Time Series: Extended Wold decompositions

High-frequency financial models - continuous-time processes

High-frequency financial models - Realized Measures

High-frequency financial models - HAR, Realized GARCH

High-frequency financial models - Asymmetry, Realized (semi) beta



The objective of the course is to introduce advanced time series methods and high frequency financial econometrics. Students will be able to use the modern financial econometric tools after passing this course and will be prepared to continue in the Financial Econometrics II course.