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Internal Market of European Union

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Course supervisor: Prof. Ing. Luděk Urban CSc., Jean Monnet Professor Teachers: PhDr. Natálie Švarcová (roz. Reichlová) Prof. Ing. Luděk Urban CSc., Jean Monnet Professor Description: The course follow - up to E 1026 and E 2029 focuses on a thorough discussion of all important aspects of the European Internal Market, its main economic freedoms, benefits and implications, including flanking policies ( social, regional, ecological ). Current state of the Czech legislation regarding Internal Market analysed. Covers lectures and seminars with students presentation. Content:

1. Origin and development of the Internal Market

2. Free movement of goods I

3. Free movement of goods II

4. Free movement of persons

5. Free movement of services I

6. Free movement of services II

7. Free movement of capital

8. Rules of competition on the Internal Market

9. Liberalization of natural monopolies

10. Environment and Internal Market

11. Social dimension of the Internal Market

12. Regional Policy and the Internal Markets

13. Lisbon process. Seminars: 6th until the last week Literature: Fiala,P., Pitrová, M., Evropská unie.Centrum pro výzkum demokracie a kultury, Brno 2003, kapitola

15. Týč, V., Základy práva Evropských společenství pro ekonomy, Linde Praha 2002 Urban,L., Evropský vnitřní trh a příprava České republiky na začlenění, Linde Praha 2002, kap. 1-8 European Parliament, Fact Sheets on the European Union, 2004,Part III

1.Pelkmans, J., European Integration. Methods and Economic Analysis.Financial Times,Prentice Hall, 2001, Part 2

2.El-Agraa A. M., The European Union. History, Institutions, Economics and Politics, Financial Times., Prentice Hall, 2004, Part Four

3.Tsoukalis, L., The New European Economy Revisited, Oxford University Press, 1997

4.Moussis, N., Access to European Union, 1998 a další vydání, Ch.2

5.Komise ES: Příprava přidružených zemí střední a východní Evropy na začlenění do vnitřního trhu Unie, Bílá kniha,

1. část

6.The Internal Market - Ten Years wihout Frontiers,2003

1. Swann D. editor: The Single European market and beyond, Routledge New York and London, několik vydání od roku 1992

2. Artis, M.J., Lee, N., The Economics of the European Union. Policy Analysis, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 1997 a další vydání

3. Jovanovič M. N.: European Economic Integation, Routledge, London & New York, 1997, pozdější vydání

4. The Impact and Effectiveness of the Single Market. Communication from the Commission to the European Parlament and Council, Brussels 1997

5. The Single Market and Tomorrow´s Europe. A Progress Report from the European Commission, Kogan Page Publishers,


6. An Agenda for a growing Europe.The Sapir Report

7. Šlosarčík, I., Právní rámec evropské integrace, Europeum, 2003

8. Dokumenty o Lisabonské strategii, Fakta o EU, Politiky

9. Tváří v tvář výzvám.Lisabonská strategie pro růst a zaměstnanost (tzv.Kokova zpráva),, Lisabonský proces, dokumenty








The course follow - up to E 1026 and E 2029 focuses on a thorough discussion of all important aspects of the European Internal Market, its main economic freedoms, benefits and implications, including flanking policies ( social, regional, ecological ). Current state of the Czech legislation regarding Internal Market is analysed.