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Antitrust Economics

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Syllabus, Introduction and Motivation for Antitrust Economics–course overview, history, objectives of competition policy.

Effective competition, market power

Relevant market(definition, the hypothetical monopolist test, cellophane fallacy, critical loss, critical elasticity, shipment test)


Article 101 TFEU -cartels and collusion

Article 101 TFEU - vertical restraints (e.g. RPMs), horizontal agreements

Article 102 TFEU–I (dominance, abuse, excessive pricing) predatory behavior

Article 102 TFEU –II (predatory pricing)

Margin squeezes

Theory of harm, Empirical techniques in antitrust.

Replacement lecture

Calculating Antitrust damages


Regulatory authorities have moved to a more economics-based approach in deciding what constitutes anti-competitive behaviour. This course introduces into topics such as: market power, cartels (Article 101 TFEU), abuses of dominant position (e.g. predatory behavior, margin squeezes and others – Article 102 TFEU), mergers, calculation of damages and empirical techniques used in competition analyses.

Prerequisites: Introductory microeconomics, introductory econometrics