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Master´s Thesis Seminar - IEPS

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This seminar is a rather special course where you will have to perform as real researchers and work on your master thesis in a style of academic (i.e. scientific) writing. That requires a lot of creative thinking, extensive reading of literature and thus a lot of time. There are the following conditions of attendance and enrollment into this course: a) you already know your final and irrevocable topic of the master thesis; b) you are certain that you can deliver its draft of approximately 20 pages at the beginning of January (Fall Semester)/May (Spring Semester) at the latest.

- Please read the attached files (e.g. the Master Thesis Primer) for more information.

- Our main communication platform will be Moodle - IEPS - "Master Thesis Seminar JEM166".

- At our first meeting you will be instructed about the next tasks and classes and you will be provided with a password to Moodle (the access details will also be sent to all registered students automatically).

During Fall 2022 we will attempt to return to the standard form of seminars, i.e. we will be meeting on Thursdays in room 105. However, the hybrid form will remain as a backup option and it will be available to those of you who will need it. A survey with questions related to the need for an online form of the course will be sent to you one week before the beginning of the semester.