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Intermediate Macroeconomics I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


AY 2021-2022: There will be no seminars in the first week of the winter semester. The first lecture will take place on the first of October.

The first seminar will take place on the fourth and seventh of October, 2021.   1) The Science of Macroeconomics, The Data of Macroeconomics [Chapters 1 and 2] 2) National Income - Where It Comes From Where It Goes [Chapter 3] 3) Money and Inflation [Chapter 4] 4) Money and Banking System [Chapter 19] 5) Open Economy - Balance of Payments, Saving and Investment in Small Open Economy, Net Exports; Exchange Rate - Real and Nominal, Power Parity Purchase, Fixed Exchange Rate Regime [Chapter 5] 6) Unemployment - Labor Demand, Labor Loss, Job Finding, Natural Rate of Unemployment, Types of Unemployment  [Chapter 6] 7) Economic Growth I - Solow Model, Capital Accumulation, Golden Rule of Capital, Population Growth [Chapters 7 and 8] 8) Economic Growth I - Solow Model, Capital Accumulation, Golden Rule of Capital, Population Growth [Chapters 7 and 8] 9) Economic Growth II - Progress in Solow Model, Policy to Promote Growth, Balanced Growth Path  [Chapters 7 and 8] 10) Endogenous Growth Theory, Growth Accounting [Chapters 7 and 8] 11) Government Debt and Budget Deficits [Chapter 16] 12) Final exam  

 Midterm exam will take place on the 12th of November.  

Final exam dates:



A: 90.1-100

B: 80.1-90

C: 70.1-80

D: 60.1-70

E: 50.1-60

F: 0-50  

Here is the Moodle website for the course:

Password: macro



Let me kindly ask not to send your questions to Mr Horvath, he does not teach the course.

Feel free to contact Mr Kudashvili at in case you have any questions.

You are encouraged to ask questions during the lectures and/or seminars.

!!! Send an email to your professors in case the question cannot be asked during the seminar or lecture!!!


This course gives an introduction to the macroeconomics at the intermediate level. The course will be strictly model-based. Upon successfully passing the course, you will be able to rigorously analyze and answer questions such as:

Why are some countries are rich while other countries remain poor?

Why cannot some people find a job?

Why is there inflation? Why is it bad?

What can policymakers do about inflation?

Can government policy be expansive and maintain low inflation at the same time?